American Airlines AMT guilty of smuggling cocaine.


Oct 20, 2007
Damned if I can ever understand why people are stupid enough to do these things. Greed, desperation?

Damned if I can ever understand why people are stupid enough to do these things. Greed, desperation?

Maybe the fact Mechanics in JFK can't live on TUL pay?

Nobody in the US does this out of despair. They do it from the arrogance of not having been caught the dozens of times they did it before.

The folks outside the US are another story. They're coerced and threatened by the cartels and risk death if they don't cooperate. Here, it's all about the money.
Nobody in the US does this out of despair. They do it from the arrogance of not having been caught the dozens of times they did it before.
I don't agree with that. I think street gangs coerce young children into dealing all the time.

Some probably do it for protection.