AMR Sets 4th QTR Disclosure 2/22/03 2PM


Aug 20, 2002
[BR][STRONG]NOTICE OF EARNINGS RELEASE AND WEBCAST [/STRONG][BR][BR]AMR Corporation anticipates announcing 4th Quarter and Full Year 2002 results on Wednesday January 22nd, 2003. In conjunction with the announcement, AMR will host a conference call with the financial community from 2 - 3 pm Eastern Time. During this call, AMR will review details of its 4th Quarter and Full Year 2002 results, revenue and cost performance, balance sheet and liquidity positions, capital market financings and related contingencies, tax status, [FONT color=#ff0000]labor update (including the status of labor discussion), impacts from industry restructurings and provide an outlook for the 1st Quarter and Full Year 2003. [BR][/FONT][BR]A live webcast of this call will be available on the AMR website ( under the [FONT color=#ff0000]Investor Information page[/FONT]. A replay of the webcast will also be available for several days following the call.[BR][BR]____________________________[BR]I highly suggest interested employees log in to the AMR website and follow along with this webcast.
I wholeheartedly agree. Anyone who professes an understanding of what AMR should or should not be doing (which is everyong on this board) should listen. If you complain about management, who should take the time to learn what they are actually trying to accomplish.

You don't need to listen live, either. A link to the broadcast will remain at the above site.
I wish they had a webcast for the AMR Labor Coalition press conference today. I really need a laugh right now.