Another huge Scab Air lo$$


Thanks for the kind words; the feeling is mutual. In all honesty, it's becoming harder and harder to defend the seemingly continueous blunderings here at NWA. There's a pretty decent chance I won't be at NWA much longer; it's just not worth it.
finman, if you leave NWA will truly lose a dedicated employee. As you know we have had many disagreements but I have always admired your loyalty. Whether you stay or go I wish you well.
finman, if you leave NWA will truly lose a dedicated employee. As you know we have had many disagreements but I have always admired your loyalty. Whether you stay or go I wish you well.
As one of those dedicated and loyal employees who had to move on myself, I will say... You are way to valuable to be wasted in a place like that...kudos and good luck.
Current maintenance is currently substandard finny. Read about the debacle in Jamaica.,my, what a mess. :huh:

The show is over, at least for the passengers who got hung out to dry. Will never fly Scab Air again is my bet. ;)

You can lead a horse to water, as the saying goes, but you cannot make it drink.

You can present all the facts you want, but at the end of the day, if people only hear what they want to, it may not matter how loud you are shouting.
In all honesty, it's becoming harder and harder to defend the seemingly continueous blunderings here at NWA. There's a pretty decent chance I won't be at NWA much longer; it's just not worth it.
Not to fear, they still have PTO and his like to carry the torch!...

In all seriousness finman, we have alot of differing view points but that is what makes it all so interesting. I extend an olive branch and wish you the best, whatever road you may choose.

Regards Local 12 Proud

Thanks for the kind words; the feeling is mutual. In all honesty, it's becoming harder and harder to defend the seemingly continueous blunderings here at NWA. There's a pretty decent chance I won't be at NWA much longer; it's just not worth it.
Why defend? If anyone had studied business its obvious what they are trying to do... SUPER obvious. I suspect by next year there may be the "M" word soon. The two companies made too much money last year so they cant.... I presume...

Cutting back is another strategy of this too....
MX on strike would make sense too...
Why did all the DL managers migrate to NW?....
oh, so the plot thickens...
Can't do too much business or we can't do the "M" thing.

I dunno about you finman, but alot of people I am friends with who do office work are all fed up with NW and are doing things to get away from the company...

Did any of your co-workers were forced to go F/A training to scab?

Was pretty sad to see a group of computer techies that were forced to go on an IOE just to keep their jobs... talk about very social people!
geez. No one smiled.

Thanks for the kind words; the feeling is mutual. In all honesty, it's becoming harder and harder to defend the seemingly continueous blunderings here at NWA. There's a pretty decent chance I won't be at NWA much longer; it's just not worth it.

Well, you've always said MSP is a hotbed of financial/white collar jobs.

Interesting that the "I'm-looking-for-a-plan-B" mindset is extending even to building A.

Let us know how it goes. I hope it turns out well! :up:
The "scabs" are saving a couple hundred million on an annualized basis, so that certainly isn't the problem.

Yeah, I guess you could put it that way. Executive management is responsible for operating the airline, and the replacements are saving the airline a couple hundred million. Is that couple hundred million going into the executive managements' paychecks? Of course not; it just means NWA would have had an $45M operating loss rather than a $30M loss if AMFA was still on the property under their old contract.

Well is it $15 million or a couple of hundred million they are saving?
Yep! I have and so have you! If you're a southern Baptist then you're familiar with the basic concepts of sin and redemption.

At least I don't belong to an organization that beats those who dissent to a pulp.

IAM-Beating our competition! No Really we did!


I also grew up Southern Baptist. The beatings are verbal but they are beatings none the less. This by no means should be construed as an endorsement of what happened in PHL.