Another RE-PLUG Quits Congress.

Aug 20, 2002

While I wish this man and family all good blessings, this is Also an early indication of (pardon the expression) rats departing a ship that won't be sailing in 2020 !
This guy represents a HUGE conservative swath of WI, and a Dem Governor, who will pick his replacement !

Duffy, a good Irish Catholic, has " 9 " kids. (He must not have got the memo about the rhythm method) !
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As long as his children are clothed and well-fed, what possible business is it of yours or anyone else how many children he has? Bears, one of the major problems facing us in the U.S. is an aging population that are living longer. One of the underlying causes is the fact that young people today are not having children or 2 people only have one child between them.

P.S. American Airlines is a perfect example. The reason that there is a non-rev travel priority code called D2R is because management discovered after the merger that they had created a company that has more living retirees than active workers, and it was beginning to cause problems for active employees who commute to work.
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While I wish this man and family all good blessings, this is Also an early indication of (pardon the expression) rats departing a ship that won't be sailing in 2020 !
This guy represents a HUGE conservative swath of WI, and a Dem Governor, who will pick his replacement !

Duffy, a good Irish Catholic, has " 9 " kids. (He must not have got the memo about the rhythm method) !

If only other members of Congress were as noble after serving for 8 1/2 years. But no, you must seem to think career politicians are to be rewarded.

Duffy already stated the major reason why he’s retiring. His newborn daughter will be born with a heart defect and require heart surgery upon birth.

It takes a special POS to besmirch another who put’s their career aside to tend to their newborn dire situation.

Nobody will miss you when you’re gone.
As long as his children are clothed and well-fed, what possible business is it of yours or anyone else how many children he has? Bears one of the major problems facing us in the U.S. is an aging population that are living longer. One of the underlying causes is the fact that young people today are not having children or 2 people only have one child between them.

P.S. American Airlines is a perfect example. The reason that there is a non-rev travel priority code called D2R is because management discovered after the merger that they had created a company that has more living retirees than active workers, and it was beginning to cause problems for active employees who commute to work.
So if that's a problem, what's the solution? Libs now say it's O.K. to kill newborns, so the solution to your problem is obvious! ......At least in the eyes of the Libs!
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If only other members of Congress were as noble after serving for 8 1/2 years. But no, you must seem to think career politicians are to be rewarded.

Duffy already stated the major reason why he’s retiring. His newborn daughter will be born with a heart defect and require heart surgery upon birth.

It takes a special POS to besmirch another who put’s their career aside to tend to their newborn dire situation.

Nobody will miss you when you’re gone.

Well said ,I couldn’t agree more
Evers can appoint whoever he wants, but he knows they'll be replaced in 2020. That district votes 2:1 Republican.

Oh, and btw, Bears, you've become a real POS in your old age. Welcome to my ignore list.
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Evers can appoint whoever he wants, but he knows they'll be replaced in 2020. That district votes 2:1 Republican.

Oh, and btw, Bears, you've become a real POS in your old age. Welcome to my ignore list.

W-T-F. ? Since when did YOU " BECOME-A-DAY-@-THE-BEACH " ???
Evers can appoint whoever he wants, but he knows they'll be replaced in 2020. That district votes 2:1 Republican.

Oh, and btw, Bears, you've become a real POS in your old age. Welcome to my ignore list.

I’m sure the POS will be gloating at Johnny Isakson’s recent announcement due to his declining health ie Parkinson’s.

That’s just how POS’s roll.
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You are the expert.

As USAUL Dog', you were correct when you said that I made clear from the beginning that I wished no harm to come to that congressman's family !
But M O R O N S will always ignore, things right under their noses, OR take things out of T O T A L context, for their own benefit.
Bottom line, we ALL KNOW, " You can't fix STUPID " !!!!

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