Ashcroft: 2 Months Before 9/11

TransWorldONE said:
I was just curious if anyone else had heard that John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial two months before 9/ll
Ya, he also took an aircraft carrier back, and kicked the Japs butt...........
flythewing said:
Ya, he also took an aircraft carrier back, and kicked the Japs butt...........
Single handedly? All by himself? Wow, maybe I'm mistaken, the man really IS a god!

There is no defense for a war monger. I firmly believe he sacrificed up four airliners and thousands of lives, had foreknowledge of what was going to happen, and did nothing to stop it - all in the name of oil.
I know I have seen it elsewhere, but this is all I can find on it as I am searching the web today:


Commission officials said Ashcroft may also be asked about why he stopped flying commercially on government business in the summer of 2001 and his extensive use thereafter of a luxurious FBI jet, a $40 million Gulfstream 5. The department has said the move was requested by the FBI in response to threats to Ashcroft's safety unrelated to Al Qaeda.

International Herald Tribune
Found it!

Commission officials said that Mr. Ashcroft might also be asked about why he stopped flying commercially on government business in the summer of 2001 — the department has said the move was requested by the F.B.I. in response to threats to Mr. Ashcroft's safety unrelated to Al Qaeda — and his extensive use thereafter of a luxurious F.B.I. jet, a $40 million Gulfstream 5. The plane had been purchased for use in special investigations and for the transport of terrorists and other dangerous suspects.

Current and former F.B.I. officials have told the commission that they were infuriated by Mr. Ashcroft's use of the jet and that it was seen as emblematic of his detachment from the needs of investigators.

Mr. Corallo said Mr. Ashcroft used the plane only when it was not needed for other business by the F.B.I., which is part of the Justice Department. Previously, Mr. Ashcroft, like others attorneys general, had flown on commercial airlines when traveling on government business.

The New York Times
So in other words, as has been said all along, not only did the shrub administration know that a 9/11 type incident was looming, they more than likely orchestrated it as well.
WingNaPrayer said:
So in other words, as has been said all along, not only did the shrub administration know that a 9/11 type incident was looming, they more than likely orchestrated it as well.
Slow down Wing. I hate Bush as much as the next guy but do you really think a secret like that could be kept secret? I had a law teacher tell me that once you have more than one person in on a secret, you are going to get burned. I would like nothing more than to pin that on him. This country would string him up by his balls and skin him alive. I have to believe that someone would have the common sense and compassion to say “hey, do you really think this is a good idea?â€￾

I’ll be the first person to admit that I am a pessimist and a cynic but to maintain my own sanity and to stop from going into a bottomless depression, I cannot allow my self to believe that even a bastard like Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft etal are capable of actions like that.
I also do not want to believe that our government would be involved in something like this. But wasn't it just a few years ago that it came out the the government experiemented with some type of shots on our troops? Now, before you jump on me - I could be wrong - maybe it is not true, but does anyone remember that?
jsn25911 said:
I also do not want to believe that our government would be involved in something like this. But wasn't it just a few years ago that it came out the the government experiemented with some type of shots on our troops? Now, before you jump on me - I could be wrong - maybe it is not true, but does anyone remember that?
Yes I remember it too, and as far back as Desert Storm (of which I was a part) they were poking needles in us and not saying what was up.

As to whether or not Shrub&Co had a hand in 9/11, without sounding like a Michael MooreNick, I've taken the time necessary to look at these things in detail and I have already formulate my own opinion as to who did what. Whether or not they had a direct hand in it is one thing, but having direct knowledge that it was about to happen, that I firmly believe they did. I also believe that they "let it happen" as the perfect precursor to all of the things Ashcroft has long wanted to do to this country and is now doing, and it was the perfect setting for Shrub to ultimately get his revenge on Iraq/Hussein in the name of his daddy, take over the country, take the oil and oust it's government.

That the innocent lives upon AA and UA flights, and those inside and around the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and those who ferverently worked rescue were deemed "acceptable losses" and "casualties of war" was, and still is more than I can stomach. I hate to say it, but I thought it was somewhat strange that Shrub decided to board AF1 and skeedaddle out of town on the very day it happened, all so he could go to Florida and read to some 1st graders?

The end result is that Shrub&Co got what THEY wanted, and the rest of us got screwed to the tune of a 15B bailout for the airlines and close to 300 billion now spent in Afghanistan and Iraq and around the world. Our soldiers no longer wear the military uniform, they wear police badges, and the republican controlled government has the majority of nations around the world so pissed at Americans they could care less what happens to us be it through our airlines or some other means.

Did they orchestrate it? Some think they did, I guess I don't, or at least I haven't been absolutely convinced. Did they know about it? I think they did, and the airlines and thousands upon thousands of jobs have been lost and those left standing have had to take it in the shorts through their paychecks and benefits because of it.

This is part of my distrust of AA - they have reveled in 9/11 and have used it at every turn to screw their labor force. Thousands of deaths is what AA uses as a bargaining tool to get the government to look the other way while they rape and pilage the people who run their airline.
WingNaPrayer said:
Yes I remember it too, and as far back as Desert Storm (of which I was a part) they were poking needles in us and not saying what was up.

As to whether or not Shrub&Co had a hand in 9/11, without sounding like a Michael MooreNick, I've taken the time necessary to look at these things in detail and I have already formulate my own opinion as to who did what. Whether or not they had a direct hand in it is one thing, but having direct knowledge that it was about to happen, that I firmly believe they did. I also believe that they "let it happen" as the perfect precursor to all of the things Ashcroft has long wanted to do to this country and is now doing, and it was the perfect setting for Shrub to ultimately get his revenge on Iraq/Hussein in the name of his daddy, take over the country, take the oil and oust it's government.

That the innocent lives upon AA and UA flights, and those inside and around the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and those who ferverently worked rescue were deemed "acceptable losses" and "casualties of war" was, and still is more than I can stomach. I hate to say it, but I thought it was somewhat strange that Shrub decided to board AF1 and skeedaddle out of town on the very day it happened, all so he could go to Florida and read to some 1st graders?

The end result is that Shrub&Co got what THEY wanted, and the rest of us got screwed to the tune of a 15B bailout for the airlines and close to 300 billion now spent in Afghanistan and Iraq and around the world. Our soldiers no longer wear the military uniform, they wear police badges, and the republican controlled government has the majority of nations around the world so pissed at Americans they could care less what happens to us be it through our airlines or some other means.

Did they orchestrate it? Some think they did, I guess I don't, or at least I haven't been absolutely convinced. Did they know about it? I think they did, and the airlines and thousands upon thousands of jobs have been lost and those left standing have had to take it in the shorts through their paychecks and benefits because of it.

This is part of my distrust of AA - they have reveled in 9/11 and have used it at every turn to screw their labor force. Thousands of deaths is what AA uses as a bargaining tool to get the government to look the other way while they rape and pilage the people who run their airline.
I will not say you are wrong but I hope to hell you are. Like I said in a earlier post, I would not believe anything our government told us but I have a hard time believing that they would let something like this happen. I seem to recall what JSN mentioned and things have come out over time of the horrendous things that the US government ha perpetrated against its citizens.

I do not know what to believe anymore. I am tired and my head hurts just thinking about it.
i dont care for the demicans or republicrats, their failed policies have done nothing but try and eliminate the middle class of this country, one side supports the rich and the other side support's the welfare, while the middle class gets to foot the bill. i dont trust either side. now with that said, i do not beleive our government would intentionally allow such a horrible thing like 9/11 happen. i also question the invasion of iraq but its damned obvious it was'nt to take their oil.....has anyone gassed up lately, if it was the oil why are we not lining tankers up and bringing oil from the worlds third largest producer of crude into this country? ....JMTCW :huh:
You’re blaming Bush for 9/11??? What are you smoking???

Clinton cut our defense, cut our intelligence gathering community and ignored the terrorist problem that led to 9/11. When he should have been stopping Bin Laden, he was re-defining the word "is."

Be real... Bush was in office 7 & 1/2 months when the terrorists attached. Ashcroft wasn't even confirmed by the Senate until February 2001.

Be real and smarten up! Clinton deserves the blame! How many times did Bin Laden his the US during Clintons watch? World Trade Center, USS Cole, African embassy bombings, ... do I need to go on?

Keep believe the lines that Kerry and the Democrats are pushing. Kerry tried to cut the CIA and FBI more than Clinton.
Amen djlndc...
9/11 was "nobodys" fault but the terrorists. If folks want to blame someone or something, they are firing at the wrong administration.
Those that believe what Kerry and friends (the 9/11 commision) have to say about whose fault it is would love folks like Josef Goebells.
Bush Failed to Stop al Qaeda During Clinton Years

(2004-04-11) -- A presidential briefing, dated August 6, 2001, and released by the White House yesterday, shows that in 1998 George W. Bush did nothing to respond to the threat of terror attacks from Usama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.

In fact, when correlated with last week's testimony before the 9/11 Commission by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, it seems clear that the Bush administration had virtually no plan to act on top-secret intelligence gathered during the Clinton administration until after George W. Bush took office in 2001.

"The August 6 PDB (President's Daily Brief) clearly shows that the White House knew of potential al Qaeda threats within the United States in 1998," said an unnamed source from an unnamed, non-partisan Washington think tank, "and yet Texas Governor George W. Bush didn't do anything about these threats until after he became president."

A former senior official in the Clinton administration, who requested anonymity, said that former President Bill Clinton was "aghast at the lethargic response of Governor Bush to the clear and present danger al Qaeda posed to our homeland in the 1990s."

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