Barack the Stoner

Two things.

Alcohol is legal and with the exception of a few cities like Vegas and msy people are not walking around.booting it up so to think people would be walking around shooting up does not stand up to the smell test.

Second. The GOP of 100 plus years ago is not the GOP of today. He11, Reagan could not get elected to the GOP of today so to try and.argue that the GOP freed the slaves and try and carry that over to the current party is just silly and has no foundation in fact.
Two things.

Alcohol is legal and with the exception of a few cities like Vegas and msy people are not walking around.booting it up so to think people would be walking around shooting up does not stand up to the smell test.

Second. The GOP of 100 plus years ago is not the GOP of today. He11, Reagan could not get elected to the GOP of today so to try and.argue that the GOP freed the slaves and try and carry that over to the current party is just silly and has no foundation in fact.