Build a clock ... get arrested .. gotta love Texas

Ms Tree

Jul 13, 2010
Ahmed Mohamed built a clock at home and brough it to school.  A teacher freaks out and calls the cops who arrest the kid.  They put him in handcuffs, hauled him away to detention and would not let him call his parents.  On top of that they suspended him for 3 days and they never lifted the suspension even after they realized that they completely screwed up.
Never mind the likelihood that if the kid was named Billy and he was white that this more than likely would have never happened.  Never mind the fact that there were no explosives or even anything that looked like an explosive attached to the clock.  Never mind that he showed it to his science teacher who knew what it was.  Never mind the fact that they put a 9th grader in handcuffs.  Never mind the fact that they denied a 9th grader the ability to call his parents.  aside from all that ..... if you suspect a bomb why the phuck was the school not evacuated and the bomb squad not called????????  Are you freaking serious?  
I am glad the parents are not sending him back to that school.  What a bunch of idiots.  I'm not surprised that the mayor came out in support of the schools and police actions.  If you read up on her she is bat chit crazy.  I cannot even imagine if some kid brings in a home built computer.  The whole state will probably be on lock down.  
Wierd isn't it? First clock I ever seen built into a briefcase. Besides those others that terrorists use.

Funny thing about that dad and his history? It's almost like this was scripted.

Can we say "AstroTurf"?
It wasn't built into a briefcase, he brought it to school in his briefcase, can you ever not lie?
To prove Obama is not prejudiced, males of Arab descent will not be screened at the WH if they enter with briefcases wired with clocks.

Imagine that!
If you or I tried to board a plane with this nifty little timing device, what do you think would happen?

The fact you bought into this only shows your lack of critical thinking and independent thought.
If the shoe fits, wear it. Muslims have dug this hole they are in, no one can trust them as they have proven to attack civilians with bombs and IEDs. If he brought the "clock" in a pressure cooker instead of a brief case would that be just a simple clock? The muslims are always testing the boundries to see what they can get away with, and like Nobammy has proven he welcomes that with open arms. This was probably a "dry run", and the school and the police acted accordingly. If he carried the "clock" into a airport I suppose that would be just fine with the libtards.
Hopefully 700 won't go crying to the Mods for this post.... 
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Good god, the stupidity in this post is absolutely stunning.  The kid has been building stuff for years.  He is a smart kid who loves to tinker.  What if birds flew out of his ass.  Who cares about your what if's.  The clock was in a small briefcase.  How else would you suggest he tote it around?  A dry run?  Based on what?  Did you determine this using your exceptional research skills?  
How in the world did the school act accordingly?  Not evacuating the school given that there was a bomb threat?  Handcuffing a 9th grader?  Not calling the bomb squad?  
Were I to build a bomb I sure as heck would not show it to my science teacher and I sure would not put it into a briefcase.  I'd put it in something non-descript like lets say a laptop shell.  
Since I guess you have never been to an airport, people carry electronics on board airplanes all the time.  The TSA has these nifty devices that can sniff out explosives.  
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Furthermore, this is the US.  Our legal system has certain requirements.  Things such as probable cause, innocent till proven guilty.  These are concepts that you seem to be unfamiliar with.  Carrying around electronics is not against the law the last time I checked.
Tree..........700,  relax and consider the obvious.  Texax is a  " R E D " state ! !
R = G = SF = AQL.
OK, Now unscamble the words.
Silly Bears... 90% of all teachers vote......... Democrat. Dallas County (where Irving is) also votes Democrat.

If school officials called it a bomb threat, then how do you fault the police for responding like they should whenever those words get used?...

This wouldn't have happened in Fort Worth.
Ms Tree said:
Furthermore, this is the US.  Our legal system has certain requirements.  Things such as probable cause, innocent till proven guilty.  These are concepts that you seem to be unfamiliar with.  Carrying around electronics is not against the law the last time I checked.
Only a fragile snowflake like yourself would get all worked up over this. Imagine if he was gay as well!

You would have the mother of all seizure's on the spot.
townpete said:
Wierd isn't it? First clock I ever seen built into a briefcase. Besides those others that terrorists use.

Funny thing about that dad and his history? It's almost like this was scripted.

Can we say "AstroTurf"?
LIE!  The clock was not "built"into a briefcase.
townpete said:
To prove Obama is not prejudiced, males of Arab descent will not be screened at the WH if they enter with briefcases wired with clocks.

Imagine that!
And, which particular racist rag did you read this in?  LIE!
townpete said:
If you or I tried to board a plane with this nifty little timing device, what do you think would happen?

The fact you bought into this only shows your lack of critical thinking and independent thought.
As soon as it was demonstrated to be a clock, it would be allowed through security.  Unless, of course, we assume that the TSA like the stupid teacher couldn't tell the difference between a clock and a bomb.  Your post indicates that you lack thinking and thought, period.
Nobody said Mohammed built an actual bomb. They suspected that he had wanted to frighten or alarm officials with a hoax-bomb. When they found out he didn’t intend to do that, they released him.
Given the limited evidence available, this is not far-fetched. Again, where was the engineering teacher to vouch for Mohammed’s story? Why didn’t Mohammed simply explain himself? The police said that initially, it was “not immediately evident” that the clock-in-a-case was a class experiment – perfectly plausible, given that Mohammed built the clock-in-a-case voluntarily, without assignment, and in conjunction with no science fair.
Chief Larry Boyd said simply and correctly, “You can’t take things like that to school” without explanation or assignment in today’s world without it receiving scrutiny.
And according to the cops, Ahmed was significantly more cooperative with friendly media than with the police who came to ask some simple questions.