Carty''s resignation


Aug 20, 2002
Having Carty resign if we accept the concession package was not on the table when we had to vote. NO DEAL!! Carty got caught lieing to everybody and now we have to be sympathetic at what cost? He will be ousted by his peers and pressure from the employees and others in the industry. He is like an Army General who can not lead his troops into battle due to lost confidence and creditability.
It is that plain and simple.
Whatever became of the last airline CEO whose resignation was demanded by labor in return for concessions?
He''s only sorry for getting caught. He''s sorry for the "communications" error. He is, however, not apologizing for mis management.
I feel for all at AA. See we too at US were screwed over by our CEO and managment with the same tactics. Although, no one else can tell you what you should or should not do, but you should demand Carty''s resignation if there is to be no revote.
You see again, we were screwed and we did NOTHING. Although we are different airlines we are victims of the same corporate greed. Someone has to stand up and say We have had enough. You have that opportunity. We missed the boat on that. For all airlines and for the future of the industry...take our control back. Maybe in the future CEO''s will think before they mislead employees. So, on behalf of those at US (and other airlines) that feel they were shafted by their CEO''s ask for Carty''s resignation to avoid bankruptsy. NO, demand it. See if he enjoys having is job yanked from under him.
I don''t believe there ever was one in exchange for concessions. In exchange for the concessions wasn''t really my point.
Your CEO lied to you and HIS BOARD. The papers already indicated that his future is in question. The AMR board does not want the company to go into bankruptsy anymore than it''s employee''s do. With that in mind...if the board knew you would sign the agreement that was already voted in if Carty was gone..maybe they would ask for his resignation. Not just becuase he lied to the employees.......HE LIED TO THEM TOO. He told them labor groups knew of the bonuses which he knows was a lie and they do too.
That was my point.
On 4/24/2003 11:03:00 AM KCFlyer wrote:

Whatever became of the last airline CEO whose resignation was demanded by labor in return for concessions?  


As I''m sure you''re already aware, this happened in 1986 at Eastern Air Lines.

Prior to a BOD vote to either sell the company to Frank Lorenzo''s Texas Air Corporation or file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (which, at that time, was much more of a stigma than it is today), EA''s management had secured employee givebacks from every union, save for the IAM.

In the culmination of his grab for power at EA, union chief Charlie Bryan agreed to concessions...but only if CEO Frank Borman would agree to resign.

In the end, Borman agreed, but the BOD did not accept his resignation and voted to sell the company rather than face the uncertainty of a bankruptcy proceeding.

The rest, as they say, is history.
On 4/24/2003 12:28:46 PM N305AS wrote:

On 4/24/2003 11:03:00 AM KCFlyer wrote:

Whatever became of the last airline CEO whose resignation was demanded by labor in return for concessions?  


As I''m sure you''re already aware, this happened in 1986 at Eastern Air Lines.

Prior to a BOD vote to either sell the company to Frank Lorenzo''s Texas Air Corporation or file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy (which, at that time, was much more of a stigma than it is today), EA''s management had secured employee givebacks from every union, save for the IAM.

In the culmination of his grab for power at EA, union chief Charlie Bryan agreed to concessions...but only if CEO Frank Borman would agree to resign.

In the end, Borman agreed, but the BOD did not accept his resignation and voted to sell the company rather than face the uncertainty of a bankruptcy proceeding.

The rest, as they say, is history.

I learned something new today. Did not know about Borman''s request for resignation. That only further supports my point. Agree to the concessions if Carty is forced out. Again, I am not from AA. If US had that option at that time, we sure as hell would have jumped on it. If so, maybe you guys wouldn''t be going through this right now.