CCY Facing Same Fate as PIT

Mike W

Dec 9, 2002
This guy is classic.Let''s see,last month,when the State of Pennsylvania wanted US Airways to move its'' HQ to PA. in exchange for about 700 million dollars in lease reductions and facilities in PIT and PHL,he said ,Oh can''t do that.Our executives have a clause in their contracts that says if they have to relocate more than 35 miles from where they presently work,they can walk away from their contracts.(Big Whoop) What happened to being close to the seat of power? Ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? Personally,I just want to see Dave hold his breath until he turns purple when he doesn''t get his way!
Give me a break! We operate 40% of the DCA flights, about twice as many as any other single carrier, in the most slot-restricted, sought-after airport in the nation. And he's complaining that the paying field isn't level. He should be counting his lucky stars that the playing field isn't level because we are benefiting big-time. I can just see the feds telling him to get bent over this one. The unmitigated arrogance just keeps getting better.
On 5/28/2003 3:44:04 PM DCAflyer wrote:

Give me a break! We operate 40% of the DCA flights, about twice as many as any other single carrier, in the most slot-restricted, sought-after airport in the nation. And he''s complaining that the paying field isn''t level. He should be counting his lucky stars that the playing field isn''t level because we are benefiting big-time. I can just see the feds telling him to get bent over this one. The unmitigated arrogance just keeps getting better.

Why not try to pull the levers?

Delta did and got itself two nice beyond-perimeter exemptions to SLC. And, DL is not a small player at DCA.
You know, I am starting to get worried about Dave. Does he need to check himself into the Betty Ford Clinic for his delusional behavior? Oh, wait, he can''t check in - US Airways new PPO provider won''t cover it.
On 5/28/2003 9:55:25 PM PineyBob wrote:

Hey you got to give the man credit for having a ton of brass. He is an equal opportunity offender! guys who operate like him usually have short term success! Let''s see how his style of leadership holds up over time. Still think he''s better than Wolf

I would take Wolf back ANYDAY. This guy is a joke. " If I don''t get my way, I am going to take my ball and go home." His leadership will not hold up over time. His leadership is as good as dead now. If he pulls anymore stunts, you will see his employee''s turn on him like a out of control tiger. He better just count his days.

See you all on the picket lines....
On 5/28/2003 10:31:06 PM PineyBob wrote:


It would be sad for me to walk past you all on the way to my job and have to fly someone else. I''m not sure how history will judge Mr. Siegel. IMHO he is neither the savior or villan that some make him out to be! The only thing that I am sure of having seen him in PIT at the Club is that he is short.

If you do go out you should picket CCY with a big boom box and Randy Newman''s song Short People blasting! That would at least be funny.

He certainly isn''t the savior and the villan is debatable. Ask any employee.
Maybe I can kick him in the shins. Is he shorter than me I wonder? hmm
That explains alot...he obviously has a severe case of "short mans complex". That''s why all of the threats..."unless I get it my way I''m leaving"!!! Pretty soon good old "Dave" is going to run out of cities to threaten. I have an idea, lets take advantge of NAFTA and head south!!!
i think its high time someone steps up to the plate and tells dave,verbatim:
my cow died,i don''t need your bull anymore.
On 5/28/2003 11:34:14 PM A&P Tech wrote:

That explains alot...he obviously has a severe case of "short mans complex".


Actually, the term is "Napoleon Complex". If Dave starts putting his hand in his shirt and wears his hair pointed in front we know he''s taking this CEO thing too seriously.
A Napoleonic Complex

A wild-eyed man dressed in a Napoleonic costume and hiding his right hand inside his coat entered the psychiatrist''s office and nervously exclaimed, "Doctor, I need your help right away."
"I can see that," retorted the doctor. "Lie down on that couch and tell me your problem."
"I don''t have any problem," the man snapped. "In fact, as Emperor of France I have everything I could possibly want: money, women, power -- everything! But I''m afraid my wife, Josephine, is in deep mental trouble."
"I see," said the psychiatrist, humoring his distraught patient. "And what seems to be her main problem?"
"For some strange reason," answered the unhappy man, "she thinks she''s Mrs. "Just call me Dave" Siegel."
Nice posting Mike. I know for a fact I ain''t going perform
CPR anymore. I have given way way too much to Corporate Mgmt. Team that doesn''t give a hoot about the employees..
He looks about 5''6" tall couldn''t see if he had on elevator shoes


Not that it matters, but does anyone know how tall he actually is?...I''ve stood right next to him, I''m 5''10" and a half, And I don''t recall him being any shorter than I was....
On 5/29/2003 3:39:58 PM 2cents wrote:

He looks about 5''6" tall couldn''t see if he had on elevator shoes


Not that it matters, but does anyone know how tall he actually is?...I''ve stood right next to him, I''m 5''10" and a half, And I don''t recall him being any shorter than I was....


I''m 5''5", and he is lucky to have two inches on me..lucky, and that is with shoes.