China: Master Copykat

Ms Tree said:
Do you know if they have mid air refueling capabilities?  They could take off with min fuel max weapons and refuel after takeoff.  Crappy way to do it but it could work in certain situations.  Would not work in combat to defend the ship but .....
They have it however none of it is carrier based.  The US has a network of bases worldwide in which to station USAF tankers to refuel USN aircraft.  Even if those tankers are not available they still have the advantage of catapult takeoffs and F/A-18F/F with buddy refueling.  China has none of this. 
Buddy refueling?  Had to look that one up.  Never knew that existed.  Makes sense though.
It's meant more for passing fuel to a pilot who is having trouble getting back aboard the boat than anything else.  It is nice to have though.
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Ifly2 said:
"I remember when one of those noisy diesel boats surfaced undetected in a US carrier battle group"

The diesel boats are actually quite well suited for doing that, if the carrier battle group is close enough to the boats' home
Only problem that fine day was a Chinese fast attack surfaced within a carrier battle group close enough to get off a shot at the USS Kittyhawk......undetected.
And just last week, another surfaced near the USS Ronald Reagan, though its unknown if we detected it.
The lone Chinese vessel slipped past at least a dozen other American warships which were supposed to protect the carrier from hostile aircraft or submarines.
And the rest of the costly defensive screen, which usually includes at least two U.S. submarines, was also apparently unable to detect it.

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The best punch is one that is felt before it is seen.
777 fixer said:
There is also an inherent danger in overestimating them as well.
 Dude, you need a more stable quote source.....
Don't underestimate your opponent, but don't overestimate them either.
Nancy Pelosi
Remember when she said we have to pass it to see whats in it?
I think she was talking about a stool sample.
delldude said:
Dude, you need a more stable quote source.....
Don't underestimate your opponent, but don't overestimate them either.
Nancy Pelosi
Remember when she said we have to pass it to see whats in it?
I think she was talking about a stool sample.
I didn't get the quote from her.  It's just a matter of historical fact.  When you over estimate you end up breaking the bank, buying equipment you don't really need or end up in messed up wars like Vietnam and Iraq.