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Delta #DL73 is diverting due to an fire alarm in the cargo hold. Live:

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Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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Its the 744 that was pulled out of the desert
UPDATE  Delta #DL73 is now diverting to Shannon

UPDATE 392 passengers on board, 4hrs fuel on touchdown

UPDATE #DL73 is dumping fuel after discharging extinguishers in aft cargo hold.
Delta B.747-400, N671US, safely around 3pm today, following a fire alarm in a cargo hold which turned out to be false.
After landing it shut down all engines, and remained on the runway for about 30 minutes, before being towed off to a stand.
392 passengers on the flight, and local media reporting that Delta are making alternative arrangements for them.

extra section tomorrow.

passengers cared for.

77L subbing for the 744 on the rest of its rotation for today and tomorrow.
Guessing the FAA will look into DL's procedures for returning A/C to service after being retired.  Possibly the aircraft was rushed into service? 
As if brand new in-service aircraft don't ever have the same problem.... ala AM 787
Hope777 said:
Guessing the FAA will look into DL's procedures for returning A/C to service after being retired.  Possibly the aircraft was rushed into service?
Not a chance. There are clear checks that must be completed before returning the aircraft to service.
FWAAA said:
Summary of incident on Simon's site along with second-guessing comments from pilots and/or pilot-wannabes:http://avherald.com/h?article=488c27c6&opt=1
Wannabe 's exactly. NOT a swissair situation by far. I would not have done any thing different They did exactly what was called for. " Cargo smoke and fire " check list are very simple . Configure the air in and out of the area. Halon to suppress the fire and smoke. Land at nearest suitable. Before landing fire one last bottle. After stopping assess. Fire crews have either heat sensers or touch to assess if there is any heat and smoke would be visible from exit ports. If nothing... The emergency turns to hot brakes. ...NO reason for evacuation....in my book job well done just like any well trained crew no matter the airline.
Ps delay vectors show that they were in control not panicking or indecisive. It's called training.
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