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Delta loads new DAL flights

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Corn Field
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
..... including 6X daily 717 service to ATL

and 5X daily E175 to LAX.... plus LGA, DTW, MSP

Flights are available on delta.com

Apparently when the 13th is a Monday, as in Monday, October 13 2014, it is a lucky day!
Dont count your chickens before your eggs hatch.
eolesen said:
Until they have the facilities, its just more posturing.
not really. If they don't get the gates at DAL they will simply re-book to DFW. (and start LAX-DFW) 
Its not like they will have a ton of bookings for a flight almost a year out and I don't think youll see DL do a ton of marketing. It just shows the DOT they are serious about the gates compared to WN who just says they should get them because they may operate more flights per day out of them than Delta. 
I wouldn't expect the decision on the slots/gates to take that much longer. (I believe it has already been said who is getting the LGA slots.)  
I wouldn't be surprised if DL gets to use a couple of gates, but the 717s being used for symbolic purposes? Who cares... WN wanted those things gone, so the symbolism will be lost on anyone who matters
Symbolic? Doubtful. Lowest cost mainline airplane that marketing can use. I buy that.It's all about the costs.
Somewhere on here- don't care to look for it... WT mentioned the 717s to DAL would be symbolic
...I'm sure the "actual DL employees" in Network Planning are more interested in placing the best A/C on any given route than they are in some sort of petty symbolism.
Of course the 717 is the lowest CASM aircraft in its class; that is why DL is acquiring them even when WN found no use for them.

DL could also upgrade to similar-CASM aircraft like the M90.

The Avenida Paulista version of the Jungle Jets also have similar CASMs.

I have a feeling the "actual DL employees" can achieve their goals while also using symbolism... like numbering the last two flights of the DC9 with flight number 1965 and 2014.

I don't suppose operating both DFW and DAL to LGA is symbolism either.

Here are the schedules...

Of course the 717 is the lowest CASM aircraft in its class; that is I have a feeling the "actual DL employees" can achieve their goals while also using symbolism... like numbering the last two flights of the DC9 with flight number 1965 and 2014.
The DC9 example is a clever look back for a type that served the carrier well.

Any "symbolism" you've noted w/r/t 717 flying ex DAL would simply be spiteful, and as self-righteous as the Widget can be, I don't think even they would stoop to seeing that way.

You can wring your hands with glee at the thought; my $$$ stays with "best plane for the route." Period.
Kev3188 said:
The DC9 example is a clever look back for a type that served the carrier well.

Any "symbolism" you've noted w/r/t 717 flying ex DAL would simply be spiteful, and as self-righteous as the Widget can be, I don't think even they would stoop to seeing that way.

You can wring your hands with glee at the thought; my $$$ stays with "best plane for the route." Period.
since "symbolism" falls under that category of "can't be proven" then I will consider that others' perspectives that use of the 717 is not symbolic.

It doesn't change, however, that unless someone else jumps into the race, DL is positioned to be the only carrier serving multiple of the top destinations from both DAL and DFW including LGA and LAX, something DL doesn't do from MDW or HOU even though DL is the dominant carrier in each of the markets it serves from both airports in those cities.

As much as some people don't want to admit it, DL appears to have a competitive advantage in WN and AA's hometown. Some WN participants on this forum say that WN is getting even or revenge for what AA has done to WN over the years... but I'm sure there is no symbolism to that remark or the advantage that DL will have.
blue collar said:
I wouldn't be surprised if DL gets to use a couple of gates
Problem is, there are only two gates to be had. And DL won't get both. They technically won't get either one.

Won't bother repeating at length what I've already written in the AA forum here. WT seems to want to discuss it in all three forums...

I'll try to stick to one in detail: http://www.airlineforums.com/topic/56447-southwest-airlines-wants-american-airlines-two-gates-at-love-field/page-4#entry1044854
Apart from your keen desire to see DL not achieve its objectives at DAL:

And you know that DL hasn't achieved what it needed to do to obtain the gates?

Are you sure that any other airline really has an interest in the gates?

Since DL is publishing schedules with 3 flights within 10 minutes in the evening, are you sure that DL only has access to two gates? Kev thinks 22 flights/2 gates is a push... not sure about that but 3 within 10 minutes certainly is.
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