Wow, two states that broke big for Hillary responded by voting in Democrat governors and more Democrat statehouse reps into office.
Why exactly is that so surprising? It's about as anti-climactic as saying the Democrat candidates won in California, Illinois or New York.
Meanwhile, the GOP held onto Chavetz's House seat in UT despite huge spending by the Democrats.
NH Black Bears, I think delldude meant held the governor only. I doubt he bothered to read about flipping the state legislature BLUE. Yes, this is big news. Now to Mr. Olsen,
Know what that is? That is the map from the 2016 presidential election. Now how many of those counties flipped blue? For the election last night about half of the counties would now be Blue.
NH Black Bears is right. The big change in the legislature is a major change and should indicate trouble on the horizon for republicans, but please continue to stay in denial as that can only help Democrats.
Oh, and Hillary won VA 49% to 44% so we are not talking about a very Blue State. In fact, VA has only recently turned Blue in presidential elections during the past few.
Oh, I am not sure about the election for Chaffetz's seat but the special elections in Georgia and Kansas saw the Republicans go from double digit percentage wins to single digits and those were in districts that strongly favored trump.
I live in a Republican Congressional district, that voted for Hillary, and my Congressman already has a Democratic challenger.
A lot could happen in a year, as we have now seen this year, but if nothing changes the House will be Blue next year and you might just be calling Pelosi Speaker again.
The big contest I am looking for is Alabama. The recent poll average has Moore ahead by 5-6% which is no big deal except we are talking about Alabama. Of course, it helps that Republicans nominated another crazy candidate.
Flake retiring in AZ puts that state into play although Democrats will be lucky to just hold what they have in the Senate next year. If, however, the AL race gets any closer than 5-6%, then we have a shot of turning the Senate Blue, too!