DL FAs - You Gotta See This...

Great video, Danny!!

I wonder what happened to Sharon "The Skunk Lady" Wibben??? All of the execs past and present were was so full of themselves. Even Rep. Betty Sutton from Ohio, was over Richard.

I just hope that the "fence sitters" make a sound decision on their own. Its your airline, quality of life and most important....your career!!
So true...we can only hope that DL F/As know the full story...Richard Anderson is just the tip of the iceburg. He's just the 1st in a long line of NW manangemet to make his way over to DL. If they have it their way, by this time next year it will be all old NW management overseeing a non-union airline. Talk about scary!!!!!!!!!!!
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That's right ! And with no-union, we can kiss goodbye our international flying and expect to be working at FAA minimums on the only routes left domestically.
That's right ! And with no-union, we can kiss goodbye our international flying and expect to be working at FAA minimums on the only routes left domestically.

You know what, this time if the DAL f/a's are stupid enough to not vote the union in b/c of what DAL mgmt. tells them, so be it.... They can't biaatch and moan that there flying will be outsourced etc. etc. etc.... I just can't believe anyone would believe the ludicrous stuff that they spoon feed to them in large doses, it makes me laugh when I hear the crap they say... Oh well, I guess the kool-aid has rotted the brain....
That's right ! And with no-union, we can kiss goodbye our international flying and expect to be working at FAA minimums on the only routes left domestically.

So true. DL has clearly kicked all of its FAs off of international routes. I guess seeking out FAs that could speak Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, etc was just so that they could better serve the good people of Moline? But why ruin your 'slam-dunk, WMD' case? I'll vote you for President since you'd be just as good as what we've had for the past 8 years. Lies and deceit on a foundation of fear.
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Ch. 12:

I think you might be confused here -- so let's get back to the original subject you keep harping about (outsourcing) -- as though it's just fear-mongering, shall we ?

Let's see -- which former CEO presided over the LARGEST outsourcing of U.S. jobs in the history of Northwest Airlines (hint; his initials are RA)

Good boy !

Now, which US President presided over the LARGEST EXPORT of US jobs in our history? (come on now -- you can do it....).

Bush ! -- good job !!!

Now, here's where it gets really hard. Who is the current CEO at Delta Airlines? (go back and read the first question if you must)

Good - you're on a roll...

Final Question (Multiple Choice). What is the one guarantee that can prevent Richard Anderson and Doug Steenland from moving forward on there long-held plans to replace U.S. based flight attendants with cheap labor from overseas...

A. Blind trust in Ch.12's gut feeling that they would never try such a terrible thing at Delta (even though they have before - sorta like trusting that Bush would never invade another country on faulty/trumped up intelligence).

B. Firm Scope protections in a LEGAL CONTRACT, like those that appear in Section 1 of the Northwest flight attendants' AFA contract.

(let me know which one you answer -- and why)
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P.S. If you answer A. above, we'll get right to work on retracting our concerns on this -- perhaps we can put out a flyer stating...

"NEWS FLASH - Anonymous Poster Ch. 12 on US Aviation Board Guarantees Your Job Security"

what do you think -- does that work for you?

Fact: Doug Steenland attempted to outsource 75% of flying during contract negotiations to foreign nationals.

Fact: Delta employeed Flight Attendants in India to fly FRA-India and then CDG-India.

At what point did Mr. Steendland and NW back down from this demand? DL Flight Attendants have never been union and based on the outsourcing info, if this had been DL's intention, they could have done this long ago. This could have occurred back in 2003 when all hell was breaking loose in this industry, it did not. There is no doubt NW had attempted to outsource after R Anderson had left. The mechanics also went on strike after Anderson left. To look at it from another angle, has any thought of the possibility that Anderson refused to do this and that is why he left NW in the first place, just a thought. The rumors of a NW/DL merger were running rampant since late last year. DL AFA has been organizing for much longer than that. Now we are receiving phone calls reminding us to vote. When I mentioned I was not going to vote, I was then told if I don't Anderson will be outsourcing my job. Outsourcing is a concern nationwide not just in our industry. Why was this not a topic earlier in the campaign and now all of a sudden its vote for AFA or lose your job.
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You wrote <<<Fact: Doug Steenland attempted to outsource 75% of flying during contract negotiations to foreign nationals>>>

Having been involved in negotiations and having an intimate knowledge of the process, I can assure you that the plans and proposals to outsource jobs was laid LONG BEFORE Richard left NW. In fact, the initial "loosening" of the mechanics Scope language happened with Richard Anderson back in 2001. That loosening allowed NWA to start down the road of reducing the size of the group over the next several years. Likewise, the Company's proposals to our union (for concessions and possible outsourcing) began as far back as 2002. Anderson tried repeatedly to get us to "open" our contract - and we refused. The plans were definately under his watch - and to not recognize that is to not understand negotiations strategy.

Anderson's departure from NWA was clearly part of a larger strategic move. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out these merger plans were in the making for a long time. For example, our carriers filed bankruptcy on the same day in Sept 2005. Their requests for delays in submitting their 'reorganization' plans were coordinated. The types of concessions they sought from us in negotiations were coordinated. And, the very day I heard that Anderson was placed on your board of directors, I sent an email to several of your FAs telling them "Mark my words, he will end up being your CEO and you will merge with us within a year".

These guys have been playing a clever game of chess for quite some time....and if Delta FAs choose to play "checkers" instead, then you will clearly be disappointed in where you find your profession a year from now (without representation). You can print this post out -- and read it a year from now if you don't believe me now.