Explosion Rocks AA Offices in Ecuador !


Sep 2, 2002
Thank goodness there were only minor injuries.

Explosion rocks American Airlines offices in Ecuador
January 28, 2003 10:12:00 PM ET
QUITO, Ecuador, Jan 28 (Reuters) - An explosion rocked American Airlines'' (AMR) offices in a Quito hotel late on Tuesday, injuring three people, officials said.
The explosion occurred at American''s offices at about 7:20 p.m. local time (0020 GMT), witnesses told Reuters.
Police commander Col. Milton Martinez said the explosion was likely caused by a pamphlet bomb, a device commonly used to set off low-impact explosions and attract attention.
Several such explosions have occurred in the past year.
Those hurt suffered minor injuries, the Red Cross said.
A police officer at the scene showed Reuters papers attributing the explosion to a group calling itself the People''s Revolutionary Militias. The group, which Martinez said appeared to be new, said it opposed U.S. interventionism as well as a recent government austerity package. REUTERS
ALOHA, 007
Oh gawd, Dubya is gonna deploy troops now!!

This is an odd place for this to happen, in an area that has been otherwise peaceful. I wonder if AA was the target or just the hotel in general. Thankfully, no one was badly hurt.

A new "faction" popping up out of nowhere and the first thing they bomb out is an AA office? Anyone else smell a rat?
[blockquote]----------------On 1/29/2003 10:49:58 AM WingNaPrayer wrote: Oh gawd, Dubya is gonna deploy troops now!!

This is an odd place for this to happen, in an area that has been otherwise peaceful. I wonder if AA was the target or just the hotel in general. Thankfully, no one was badly hurt.

A new "faction" popping up out of nowhere and the first thing they bomb out is an AA office? Anyone else smell a rat?----------------[/blockquote]

Has AA laid off employees there? Have more drugs been interdicted lately out of S. America? There is supposed to be an al Queida cell operating in S. America, but not near Ecuador, and I wonder if they would put their religious scuples aside and support drug runners? War makes strange bedfellows.
This may give Dubya the excuse he needs to go kick some third world butt!! The arms industry cant wait to show how thier new toys can kill women, babies and other threats to the American bottom line,eh, er I mean way of life or is the popular term now "interests"?