Flu shots for crew & Emergency Health Measures at USAIRWAYS

I agree. CLOSE the border period. Trains, planes, automobiles, hand gliders, hot air balloons or any other way over. You can't put the cat back in the bag but you can keep it from getting worse. Allowing anyone from Mexico over just adds to infection. Lock it up. Where is my Purell?
I agree. CLOSE the border period. Trains, planes, automobiles, hand gliders, hot air balloons or any other way over. You can't put the cat back in the bag but you can keep it from getting worse. Allowing anyone from Mexico over just adds to infection. Lock it up. Where is my Purell?

Better yet, why don't we form violent mobs and beat up anyone that looks Hispanic? Most people in this country automatically thinks that every Hispanic person is a Mexican and illegal, so teach them all a lesson.

Just being facetious but I can see where this is going to go. Things could get pretty ugly for for Latinos in this country because the US has got some stupid people. I'm amazed we haven't heard from the anti-immigration extremists.
Oh for good Gosh sakes. No one is going to hang Latinos. This a WORLD HEALTH CRISIS. We must protect humaity. Screw airline, shipping, trade and the rest as we need to stay alive to see another day. DUUUHHH.
They just announced on the news that Fort Worth, Texas is closing all schools until at least the 8th of May due to the outbreak.

Perhaps shutting down our Mexico flights temporarily is not such a bad idea. Honestly, if the demand is not there (people are canceling flights, vacations in droves) and we cannot operate profitably then maybe we should not operate at all.

Didn't several airlines either outright cancel or drastically reduce their schedules to Asia during the SARS epidemic? Even the few flights that were still operating were flying with only a small handful of passengers.
Border controls do not work, especially if you target only airplanes, which bring in much less numbers of people than cars. It's too late to quarantine Mexico even if that were possible, which it isn't.

You can help protect yourself by washing your hands, but beyond that, it's just Mother Nature and sometimes she can't be controlled.

Can't stop illegal immigration or drugs but some think we can stop a virus. :lol:
I say the customer service agents wear masks and gloves. The ramp ditto.

I think the company response to this issue has been abyssmal particularly for crew members. At least ground personnel operate in the open air. Crew, especially flight attendants collect dirty glasses and food containers and actually clean up the cabin which is considered a public area. While I noted hand cleanser and rubber gloves at agent podiums in CLT, your crews saw no changes to normal procedures. We have plastice gloves and no hand cleanser. And ironically, we are the most vulnerable to respiratory and most other contagious diseases. SMH
At this point the mask debate is moot because their sold out everywhere ... if you don't have one yet , good luck finding one for sale ... while they may not offer alot of protection , some is better than NONE ...

Any employee's who deal frequently with the traveling public may want to think about getting latex gloves ... at this point and time they are still in stock ... but as we continue to move forward , consumers will purcahse things based on fear ... so for instance today , masks are sold out , but there are still latex gloves .... tomrrow if people become more afraid , gloves and masks are sold out etc

If your concerned about becoming infected , (which we all should seeing as that we work at the AIRPORT , a high infection area ) then please , please be aware of your surroundings at ALL times ... do NOT get in elevtaors ever ... AVOID crowds , this means during your LUNCH break as well , if the break room is full , then stay out of it .. if your on an employee bus , seat yourself away from others and open the window .... DON'T shake people's hands , break yourself of that habit right away ... and as always , WASH YOUR HANDS .... i can't tell you how many people get sick from simply failing to wash their hands before eating , or after using the bathroom etc ....

i didn't see any memo's from the company today , and i think people at work are under the impression that if things get bad the company will hand out face masks etc ... well i don't know what the company is thinking and neither do you .... so just remember YOU are responsible for your OWN personal safety , no one else ... don't expect anything to be given to you .... you need to prepare YOURSELF ....
Please be advised: Flight Attendants have been issued no rubber gloves. Only the cheap plastic ones. There is also no hand cleanser aboard the a/c. In my view, this supposed pandemic is not being taken seriously by the powers that be. And this may be a health threat to those who fly in our cabins.