Flying In Australia

Bush Bunny

Dec 11, 2003
Just wondering if anyone has gone to Oz on a work permit and found a job, or had one lined up before going over. A freind of mine from there, an old FW buddy, is trying to get me to come down as a good friend of his owns a rotary outfit in Tasmania. I'm in the process of contacting several companies now.

The license conversion looks straight forward and the visa shouldn't be an issue either - just wondering how the job hunt is done, good and bad outfits, that sort of thing. Any info would be appreciated. PM if you don't feel like advertising.


Hey BB does your buddy need anyone else ?? ;) I have the Aus license, and perm residency, but haven't had any luck finding any work.

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Ops - care to PM me as to why? Be interested. :eek:

Randy - for a finders fee we can work majic... :D

ok G man, first off, come to yxx so i can slap you in da head!!!!!! :wacko:

you have the license AND the rez permit and you are still in the great white north??? :shock: :shock:

i reckon 204bdriver is squirming by his keyboard right now :lol: :lol: :lol:
...and I will 5th that.
Taken quite a few of my mates for a ride that individual. :angry:
I wouldn't waste your time bush bunny. I have been down here for almost 4 months now as an engineer on a canadian machine. What I have seen here is that there is slim to none as far as work goes. The company I'm working for has 5 214's on contract and some of the co-pilots have a lot of hours as in over a few thousand and would not have any trouble finding work in canada. But there still co-pilots here.
If you want to come down for a holiday, this is a heck of a great place unless your working out of bankstown in sydney.
hey randy, sorry I never got back to you. Things here in bankstown are pretty quiet here in bankstown. We flew 15 hours this season and were the high time machine of the 214 squad. Thank god for mininums. anyway, catch you in canada.

Don't you like sunny Bankstown ;)

Count your blessings, you might have been in an hotel near Redfern....... :shock:

Or down in the balmy south with us Mexicans, or sweating it out in Qld with Johnnie Mac over your shoulder. Say hi to him if he's around
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Thanks for all the info.

I got a few responses back today, and it supports everything said here. If my buddy comes through, you never know... Anyway, just exploring options to get this conversion well and truely on its way. :wacko:

Thanks again,

Well heli , banktowns not to bad as I keep an eye on the canadian weather. I do believe its only going to get up to 41 degrees today. The best temp i've seen so far is 48 in a place north of adelaide called meldura or something like that.
I am wondering though is how much wine I can legaly bring back from overseas trips. I'll have to admitt the wine is incredible down here.
412 Driver
I am sitting here and if I could get on with Transwest next year down there I would even fly as a cojoe. I really miss that place and there is no snow there, it was really hard to leave when I knew the temp here was -27 and in Kelowna that is cold. E-mail me when you find time amigo. Fly Safe. :D
picapart, no worries. :D I know how hard it is to tear oneself away from the beaches in Oz. :up: Or the pubs. Good thing for mins, just think, you've gotten a paid vaction in Oz during our winter. Gotta love this biz. :up: If all else fails, I hope to be back for a holiday later this year, so I'll go and see if I can't get a couple of minutes with J.Mac.

412, no work down there when I was there. Had everything set up, then some bast@rd went and won the super7 last week. :angry: :down: Mum in law is here right now, and she says the temps when she left were quite rude. 30 something with 85% humidity in Brissie, expecting 40's (not as bad as down south, but hot enough) this weekend. Right now it's a beautiful 7C here, and I've got the windows open. :up:

bright and sunny in yxx.......13C............. :up:

day off so it's time to lime the sign says.................... :(

should be putting a permit on the bike and going for a ride :up:

naaaaaaahhhh...still a little too cold :shock:

nice pic there 204bdriver....... :D :up: