Frank Rich on Mitt Romney


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
It is a long article with several related articles linked. Not a short read, but thoroughly enjoyable.

Some of my favorite quotes from the article...
"[Romney's face] does not look lived in"

"Much of the Romney inflation, naturally, has to do with his good fortune in having such a splintered and screwy scrum of opponents"

"But as Michael Kinsley long ago joked that Al Gore was an old person’s idea of a young person, so Mitt Romney is a political hack’s idea of an electable conservative president."

"Even the famously dismissive description of Dewey popularized by the Washington socialite Alice Roosevelt Longworth—as “the little man on the wedding cake”—seems to fit Mitt."

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Will Mormons’ racial history be a problem for Mitt Romney?
Until 1978, the LDS church banned men of African descent from its priesthood, a position open to nearly all Mormon males and the gateway to sacramental and leadership roles. The church had also barred black men and women from temple ceremonies that promised access in the afterlife to the highest heaven.

I guess the Mormons were a bit late getting the memo about racial equality. This could put Romney in a pickle. He cannot come out against the Church policy because that would be equivalent to heresy. He cannot come out for the policy because that would be ... well .... stupid.

Seems like this will be Romneys Rev Wright only people are looking for a reason to not like Romney which was not the case with Obama.

Gingrich and Romney are making Santorum and Paul look normal. What's the world coming too?
Will Mormons’ racial history be a problem for Mitt Romney?

I guess the Mormons were a bit late getting the memo about racial equality. This could put Romney in a pickle. He cannot come out against the Church policy because that would be equivalent to heresy. He cannot come out for the policy because that would be ... well .... stupid.

Seems like this will be Romneys Rev Wright only people are looking for a reason to not like Romney which was not the case with Obama.

Gingrich and Romney are making Santorum and Paul look normal. What's the world coming too?

Watch where you're going with this.....Mitt has the magic Mormon underwear in his back pocket.
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Will Mormons’ racial history be a problem for Mitt Romney?

I guess the Mormons were a bit late getting the memo about racial equality. This could put Romney in a pickle. He cannot come out against the Church policy because that would be equivalent to heresy. He cannot come out for the policy because that would be ... well .... stupid.

Actually, he has been asked about it before in previous political races. He gives the pat answer that he will not discuss his church's actions (or lack thereof) because "it has no bearing on my fitness to hold political office, or this race." Well, no Mitt. Not exactly. Just like you can't explain away membership in the KKK with a "that was then, this is now" dismissal.