Gordon Bethune: US Air will disappear


Aug 31, 2002
[P]I think everyone should go listen to yesterday''s Continental Airlines quarter earnings call. [/P]
[P]It''s at:[BR][A href=http://www.continental.com/company/investor/audio.asp?SID=288EE5329F8E4F01B2941B44A7E75517]http://www.continental.com/company/investor/audio.asp?SID=288EE5329F8E4F01B2941B44A7E75517[/A][/P]
[P]Gordon''s Comment: We are all going to be high-fivin'' when US Air disappears.[/P]
[P]The comment can be heard at minutes 07:53 into the 23:46 call time. [/P]
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[P]Gordon is notorious for his P.T. Barnum-like mentality. Unfortunately, this type of low-ball, low-ethics approach makes the industry look bad. Hey, everybody is grasping at straws right now, but you don't have to make a jackass out of yourself, ya know?[/P]
Did him and Dave Seagel part on bad terms? I mean, if I was Dave I'd be pretty ticked at such a remark. But then again, they worked together long enough for Dave to know what a jacka55 Gordo can be with his brash personality.
It's obvious by this and past comments that Gordon is still hurt by what USAir did to him at merge time with Piedmont.
Gordo the oracle. He is a stooge that has no class and should be neutered from public speaking. The reports from the CO friends I have is that he really does not have the intellect to run the airline. It was and is, run by the other senior managers. They pretty much tell him to keep his hands off the decision making process. Unfortunately this gives him plenty of time to flap his jaws about the rest of the industry.
Why all the outrage at Gordo publicly stating a thought that few others have the brass ones to admit? Dontcha think he knows that it could very well be his airline and not US that disappears? Bethune is trying to deflect attention from his own house.

If low wages like Continental offers are the answer to the industry's woes then I ask why isn't CO doing as well as SW?

There are too many people on this board who never have to buy their own airfare.
Ya know, I still can't decide who loves hearing himself talk more, Bethune or Mike Boyd. CO is going to have to pay the piper very soon. I wonder how Gordo will react to that when it manifests itself. As Beavis and Butthead would say, he needs a kick in the n-ds!
[P][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]When Gordon talks about testasterone, he is the one who has the greatest amount. I still believe for both UA & US to prosper and to shut up the CO CEO, the two airlines need to solve their internal problems, live to fight another day, and work together, either threw the code share or some other arrangement to take revenue away from AA, DL, NW, & CO.[/FONT][/P]
[P][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Chip[/FONT][/P]
On 10/18/2002 12:13:45 PM chipmunn wrote:

[FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]When Gordon talks about testasterone, he is the one who has the greatest amount. I still believe for both UA & US to prosper and to shut up the CO CEO, the two airlines need to solve their internal problems, live to fight another day, and work together, either threw the code share or some other arrangement to take revenue away from AA, DL, NW, & CO.[/FONT][/P]

[FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3]Chip[/FONT][/P]

Well if it takes UA and US colluding for them to prosper then the ATSB loan guarantees need to be pulled right this instant from both of them...
Who said anything about collusion? The whole idea of codesharing UA/US is to carve out a bigger piece of the existing revenue/marketshare pie. I think that Chip was alluding to whether the eventual relationship between UA and US deepens to possibly include anti-trust immunity or even an outright combination of the two companies. Then it would be legal to coordinate strategy.

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