Homeland Security?


Oct 29, 2002

"This report is evidence of Homeland Security executives attempting to downplay and cover up an unmistakable dry run that forced flight attendants to reveal the air marshals and compel the pilots to open the flight deck door," said Robert MacLean, a former air marshal who was fired last year for revealing that the service planned to cut back on protection for long-distance flights to save money.

One man carried a McDonald's bag into the lavatory, and "another man, upon returning from the lavatory, reeked strongly of what smelled like toilet bowl chemicals."

"Some men hand signaled each other. The passenger who entered the lavatory with the McDonald's bag made a thumbs-up signal to another man upon returning from the lavatory. Another man made a slashing motion across his throat, appearing to say 'No.' "

"The reported suspicious activity was determined to be unfounded, and not a terrorist threat, and therefore did not merit an HSOC referral," he said.
The inspector general disagreed, and said TSA's actions once the matter became public proved that the agency thought otherwise.

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An alert that Speaker should be detained and isolated, and public health officials should be contacted, showed up on the Customs and Border Protection computer system, but he was allowed to cross into the United States at Champlain, New York, anyway, the official said.

Speaker was at the border crossing for less than two minutes.

We had two agencies that should have been in constant communication with each other, and obviously the system failed," Thompson said on CNN's "Paula Zahn Now."

"Mr. Speaker should not have been able to get into Canada and back into the United States undetected. Our system did not work."

The border agent who processed Speaker's entry on May 24 has been placed on administrative duties while the investigation continues, the Homeland Security official said.

"There are a number of vulnerabilities that this situation has brought to our attention that we will look for in the committee hearing," Thompson said. "... This hearing will be designed to look at what happened, look at what was supposed to have happened, and try to fix it.

Border security scrutinized after TB patient slips in
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Intereseting....I'm sure W orchestrated this for ratings

More lies

A suspected terrorist cell planned a "chilling" attack to destroy John F. Kennedy International Airport, kill thousands of people and trigger an economic catastrophe by blowing up a jet fuel artery that runs through populous residential neighborhoods, authorities said Saturday.

Sources said the plot involved putting explosives inside the fuel pipeline but realized that "it was not technically feasible."

Officials said the plot may also have included plans to hit the JFK terminal buildings and aircraft, in addition to the fuel lines.

In discussing JFK airport as a target, Defreitas exulted over JFK airport’s symbolic importance, according to a U.S. Justice Department complaint:

"Anytime you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United States. To hit John F. Kennedy, wow .... They love John F. Kennedy like he’s the man .... If you hit that, this whole country will be in mourning. It’s like you can kill the man twice.

Little do they know...as tragic as it would be,America would pull together and step up to the challenge,again ;)

These fools think we'd drop to our knees and pray to allah....how foolish they are.