It's very close for HOSPICE time for the Republican Party !

Aug 20, 2002
Sadly, as with many  'End of Life'  issues, Hospice care is  the  Last Phase  in the  Inevitable outcome.
And it's where the Republican party will soon be checking into, and quite soon.
( Note :  this election will be close, with  'HILL winning.  Close, because of some of her  'negatives)
Not only did T-Rump give a shite'y debate performance, he, in fact has NOTHING left to improve upon in the final two debates, and that includes a 'home game' in the Faux news debate.  A few minutes into tonight's   debate,  it became apparent that the Donald was going to take nearly every trap set by 'Hill, for him, with his goofy facial expressions and in my opinion he's growing tired with this whole idea of even running !
Which now begs the question;  What will become of the GOP ?  The answer is, permanent EXTINCTION as we have know the GOP, for so many years !  History WILL be made on numerous fronts.
1. The first female  POTUS.
2. A Supreme court that will be ultra liberal for a couple of decades to come. 
3. The Extinction of one of Americas longest living political party's !
R I P / G O P   !! 
It's too bad that all pools right now on the down ballot races predict the Senate and House staying in the GOP's hands.

Shrillary may very well win the battle for the electoral college, but she's already lost the war.
eolesen said:
It's too bad that all pools right now on the down ballot races predict the Senate and House staying in the GOP's hands.

Shrillary may very well win the battle for the electoral college, but she's already lost the war.
Which is why America loses, whoever wins.   T Rump is unfit to be president.  Hillary ain't great, but if the Congress remains in republican hands, then this country loses.  4 to 8 more years of......just say no.  It could be the first time in history that the US has gone without 9 justices for 5 or more years.  Congress didn't want to work with Obama, and there is only one other person that republicans would want to work LESS with.   
Harry Potter said:
Looks like all the polling data on the debate has Trump winning over Clinton by a wide margin. Except for the Clinton News Network, aka CNN.
It's noteworthy that Variety pulled their poll as was overwhelmed with positive Trump voters after the debate. Didn't fit their narrative apparently.
Yet the "news" side of the talk radio station I tune into in the mornings (read that as "right wing") felt that Hillary presented herself better and that Trump had best take the advice of his advisors and prep for the next one.  From the little amount I watched, Trump didn't dissappoint - he behaved just like the 11 year old boy who is still pissed at daddy for sending him to military prep school. 
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I'm surprised that none of you picked up on the  " 400  pound zinger" that T-Rump let fly.
(yes, I KNEW what he meant, BUT  a LOT of FAT undecided voters missed his point).
Eric. I too am inclined to agree with you at this point in time.   B U T.   you can surely  bet your  arse  that the house and senate would be thoroughly 'cleansed' in 2020  !!   The 'good ol' USA'  is in line for a MAJOR WAR soon. Except it wont be coming from outside our shores.  It gonna' happen right here.
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Harry Potter said:
The majority of polls says otherwise.

How do you square that?
That  ODD  'Harry'.  I HEARD Megan Kelly on  FAUX News admit that  'Hill  clearly won.
Perhaps you were in the out-house when she said it. (or possibly  ASLEEP) !
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Harry Potter said:
Looks like all the polling data on the debate has Trump winning over Clinton by a wide margin. Except for the Clinton News Network, aka CNN.
It's noteworthy that Variety pulled their poll as was overwhelmed with positive Trump voters after the debate. Didn't fit their narrative apparently.
Just Curious.  How did the   KU KLUX   poll, come in  ?????
Harry Potter said:
As i was saying earlier:
  Majority of snap polls show Trump won debate by a landslide despite CNN's overwhelming victory for Hillary in biggest official survey  
  • CNN's snap poll gave Clinton the win with 62 per cent to Trump's 27
  • But most of the others reported Trump was the winner by a landslide
I only watched bits and pieces, but each time I tuned in, I saw a petulant spoiled brat who was whining...not winning.   I think Marcel Marceau could have beat Trump in a debate. 
Harry Potter said:
Then you appear to be in that small minority of americans.
Yes, sadly I am.  It'a amazing that so many guys are voting for him because he will bring jobs back from China and Mexico and give him a pass for making clothes in China and Mexico.  It's amazing that so many people living in trailers and working two jobs support him because he promised them a 2% tax cut...and himself a 20% tax cut.  But I"ve said it before....if this country is ever going to get united again, Trump must win....not because he will do that...but so that those who think Obama was bad will be looking back at 2008-2016 as the "good old days" and finally realize that their "solution" was an abject failure.  
KCFlyer said:
I only watched bits and pieces, but each time I tuned in, I saw a petulant spoiled brat who was whining...not winning.   I think Marcel Marceau could have beat Trump in a debate. 
I lost sat coverage due to storms about halfway thru but watching Hillary was like listening to Siri,ask a question get the programmed establishment answer 