Jet Stops For Gas

I don't believe it. All joking aside, even the most powerful poots dissipate fairly quickly. I think it more likely someone pooped in their pants, which would not dissipate until the source was removed.

Fake news guys. American has already put out a different story correcting the original. Pretty sad when news agencies jump on this type of news. Looks really bad when AA steps in to correct it and it all came from a RD spokes person from the airport.
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Fake news guys. American has already put out a different story correcting the original. Pretty sad when news agencies jump on this type of news. Looks really bad when AA steps in to correct it and it all came from a RD spokes person from the airport.
Fake but funny. One might even say........ it was a gas. :)
You can bet your ASSSSS, that if had been ME that FARTED, Everyone would have been D U A (Dead upon arrival) once the boys up front got that bird on the ground !!!!!!!! ( I'm PROUD of my 'stuff' ) !!