Jetblue Flt 292 Bur-jfk Diverted To Lgb

Poor Al Haynes. MSNBC has been talking to him. The lady on MSNBC keeps referring to him as 'Al Haynes, retired UA pilot who landed with an engine out.' Uhhh, it was slightly more complicated.
By David Kesmodel
More recently, Mobile Aerospace did work on a United plane prior to an incident that is under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.

United jet from Chicago to Los Angeles on Nov. 21 returned to Chicago after takeoff because they were unable to retract the nose gear.

The Airbus A-319 touched down with the nose gear wheels turned 90 degrees. Both nose gear tires blew and the wheel's assembly was ground down nearly to the axle. None of the 82 passengers and crew was injured.

Sounds like an Airbus issue. Imagine that. What a great corporation Airbus is. :down: :blink:
Skymess said:
Sounds like an Airbus issue. Imagine that. What a great corporation Airbus is. :down: :blink:

Perhaps all A319's and A320's should be grounded until the NTSB can perform a full investigation and get to the bottom of the problem. Too many lives are at stake to do otherwise.
skyflyr69 said:
I wonder if they forgot to preflight the airplane or missed something if indeed they did check it out prior to takeoff.


I didn't see it till it had already landed, but it sounds like the either the torque link broke or the pin fell out. Either had to happen on T/O roll or gear retraction - they couldn't have taxied with either condition. So no, the pilots didn't screw up. Sorry to disappoint you.....

Skymess said:
Sounds like an Airbus issue. Imagine that. What a great corporation Airbus is. :down: :blink:
Could also be that superior outsourced maintenance :shock:
BoeingBoy said:
I didn't see it till it had already landed, but it sounds like the either the torque link broke or the pin fell out. Either had to happen on T/O roll or gear retraction - they couldn't have taxied with either condition. So no, the pilots didn't screw up. Sorry to disappoint you.....

the Pilots did an outstanding job :up: that was obviously a mechanical malfunction and it will be interesting to find out who maintained that nose gear!
N536JB was put into service in mid 2002. Is there anyone who can tell us about service intervals on this plane. I assume it has not undergone heavy maintenance yet. Is that correct?
Flying Titan said:
N536JB was put into service in mid 2002. Is there anyone who can tell us about service intervals on this plane. I assume it has not undergone heavy maintenance yet. Is that correct?
different components go thru maintenance/overhaul at different intervals based on time/cycles. IM not familiar with jetblues maintenance program so I cant answer that question, but once again it will be interesting to find out who maintained the nose gear!
Great example of a brainwashed, self-serving flunky

"Could also be that superior outsourced maintenance"

Then, minutes later....

local 12 proud said:

Proof of your union leading you into oblivion

Needleman, and those pax, should buy drinks for that crew until they are BLUE!
You can bet your ass the mechanics who worked on that aircraft for the last several days as well as the last push out crew are being interrogated by FAA inspectors as we speak. Whereas the $2.00 an hour worker in El Salvador who was one of many who did the last heavy maintenance gets a pass!
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Great example of a brainwashed, self-serving flunky

"Could also be that superior outsourced maintenance"

Then, minutes later....

Proof of your union leading you into oblivion
Needleman, and those pax, should buy drinks for that crew until they are BLUE!
What would you know about A/C maintenance dip####?....... the fantastic job remark went out to the pilots, not the outsoursed HACK shops that the airlines farm out too!.......BRAINWASHED?....NOT AT ALL, just very familiar with third party maintenance. so go back to your CUBICLE :D