Joe Mama


Oct 29, 2002

Residents said they believed workers were digging deep into the ground, which would support Biden's report of a secret bunker, but officials never confirmed the purpose of the work performed.

The revelation is the latest from Biden, who has a long history of political blunders.

The Mouth speaks......... :lol:

Another VP embarrassment for Barry O........ :lol:

The Mouth speaks......... :lol:

Another VP embarrassment for Barry O........ :lol:
Poor ol' Joe...maybe he was drunk? Again

Great, now the taxpayers will foot the bill to build another secret location just to keep Joe and his big mouth safe.

So that he can be in charge if something happens to Obama!

Jeez, talk about the inmates in control of the nut house. Lol
I thought this was something about an off site bunker. It's at the bloody residence. Gee, you think the WH might have one too? If that's a secret, it sure is a bad one.
Isn't there some obscure law about disclosing classified information as being grounds for treason?

Possibly get another one of the idiots out of D.C. !

Pelosi's doing a good job all by herself ! :shock:

I thought this was something about an off site bunker. It's at the bloody residence. Gee, you think the WH might have one too? lol. If that's a secret, it sure is a bad one.
Yes, It's at the residence we now know cause of good 'ole Joey. Wow....even the WH may have one. Really?? You think? Ahhhh....No. That was the Deuthchland Reichstag. The point of the matter is, there are probably several such locales, and once again, Joey opens his trap about sensitive information. Good Lord. This isn't about Politics, It's about stupidity for someone who has been around Wash as long as he has.
I thought this was something about an off site bunker. It's at the bloody residence. Gee, you think the WH might have one too? lol. If that's a secret, it sure is a bad one.
We now know cause of good "ole Joey. The WH? You think??...That was the German Reichstag that had a bunker :blink: For someone to have been in Wash as long as Joey, and to continue with really stupid gaffes so consistently is just amazing. Not only a gaffe this time, but something about HIS own security if it may ever be warranted. Just stupid!
Like no one knew there was not a bunker there and in the WH, CIA, FBI, ... etc. They all have bunkers in case of an attack. As far as I am concerned, they can all fry with the rest of us.
Yep.................but they don't know about the bunker in my back yard !

Crap..............pulled a Biden ! :shock: