John Murtha RIP

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I realize you do not agree with him politically but to post this shows a true lack of character. I did not care for Reagan's policies nor do I agree with Bush Jr or Palin or numerous others. I do not wish any ill to befall them nor to I wish them dead.

Pretty pathetic to rejoice in the death of a War vet. I cannot say I am surprised by your actions though.
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I realize you do not agree with him politically but to post this shows a true lack of character. I did not care for Reagan's policies nor do I agree with Bush Jr or Palin or numerous others. I do not wish any ill to befall them nor to I wish them dead.

Pretty pathetic to rejoice in the death of a War vet. I cannot say I am surprised by your actions though.

Did Murtha ever APOLOGIZE TO THOSE MARINES who he accused of murder (for anti-bush political reasons)?

Well, did he?

No he did not.

If it was in an earlier time period he would have been lined up and shot by a military firing squad long ago. He stopped being a marine once he sold out his oath to honor the uniform in lieu of an ever corrupt political career.

Burn in hell i say!
As long as he is beside Rumsfeld (you fight with what you have not what you want) Cheney/Bush (lied to justify a war killing 5,000 soldiers) and countless others sure, go for it.

Slander is not an offense the justifies death. He was volunteered to fight during war time. He was a decorated vet. You want him impeached, fine. Just be sure you hold all people to the same standards. There will be a long line of people ahead and behind him.

Wishing someone dead speaks volumes about your character.
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As long as he is beside Rumsfeld (you fight with what you have not what you want) Cheney/Bush (lied to justify a war killing 5,000 soldiers) and countless others sure, go for it.

Slander is not an offense the justifies death. He was volunteered to fight during war time. He was a decorated vet. You want him impeached, fine. Just be sure you hold all people to the same standards. There will be a long line of people ahead and behind him.

Wishing someone dead speaks volumes about your character.
And you really care about ones character on the internet because of why? lol

You forgot that the Iraqi war was sanctioned by the house, congress and the UN. Everyone gave the thumbs up!

He did not just slander (goes to show how uniformed you are again) He provoked the inquisition tactics that could have resulted in soldiers incarceration for life.
No he did just slander. The fact that the soldiers were prosecuted with out evidence to substantiate the claims is not the fault of Murtha.

The fact that you do not seem to care about your character does not surprise me the least. I do care about my character which is why I try to research and substantiate my claims.

A political body supported a political war. Imagine that. Jim Crow laws, slavery and other infringement of human rights were also supported by Congress, SCOTUS, local legal jurisdictions and popular sentiment. That does not make those laws right anymore than Congressional support for a illegal and unjust war.
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No he did just slander. The fact that the soldiers were prosecuted with out evidence to substantiate the claims is not the fault of Murtha.

The fact that you do not seem to care about your character does not surprise me the least. I do care about my character which is why I try to research and substantiate my claims.

A political body supported a political war. Imagine that. Jim Crow laws, slavery and other infringement of human rights were also supported by Congress, SCOTUS, local legal jurisdictions and popular sentiment. That does not make those laws right anymore than Congressional support for a illegal and unjust war.

Boo-frickin-hoo I am glad his seat is now vacant. Let us now fill it with a patriot rather than a traitor. Finally did something right…. stopped breathing. God works in ways we can not always understand, but not today!

He must be one of the CORPSEman Obama was talking about. lol
Boo-frickin-hoo I am glad his seat is now vacant. Let us now fill it with a patriot rather than a traitor. Finally did something right…. stopped breathing. God works in ways we can not always understand, but not today!

He must be one of the CORPSEman Obama was talking about. lol

I'm guessing that you believe in that history book called the bible.
In that book is printed something that goes like this......"Vengeance is MINE...blah blah blah"

If you DO believe/follow that book...............CONGRATULATIONS, you're Another of the umpteenth ZILLION False Prophets roaming the earth today(as yesterday) !
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I'm guessing that you believe in that history book called the bible.
In that book is printed something that goes like this......"Vengeance is MINE...blah blah blah"

If you DO believe/follow that book...............CONGRATULATIONS, you're Another of the umpteenth ZILLION False Prophets roaming the earth today(as yesterday) !
Thanks! And yes his day of reckoning is now upon him! He can now join the other blow hard that just bought the farm (Kennedy) in a never ending car ride off the bridge into the depths of hell!
John Murtha was a great many things.

He spoke his mind and he put himsellf in harms way for those of us who didn't fight so that he and all of us could rise in rightoues indignation regarding issues near and dear to our hearts.

I will not comment beyond thanking Mr Murtha for his service to his country and convey my condolences to his family. Rest In Peace Brother Murtha.

Now then Joanne I have to go cling to my guns and my religion. It seems with all of the snow here that I've failed to meet my Gun Clinging Quota so I think I'll do my clinging while Law & Order reruns are on. That OK or should I read the Bible and pray holding my M-16 or will the Lady Baretta I bought for Sweet Thing suffice?
This is has to be one of the sorriest threads I have ever seen here. You have no shame (you know to whom I am referring).

The OP should take a look in the mirror (among others).

I respectfully ask the Moderator to close this thread in respect of the fallen Veteran and 36 year Congressman.
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