Kyoto Blinks, Bush smiles


Mar 19, 2006
The media was hailing the success of Kyoto last week when Mr. Bush steps into the fold. But did he?

An editorial in the Wall Street Journal suggests that Mr. Bush brings Europe around to his view more than he ( Bush ) capitulates to the outrage of the greens and the world in general.

Just goes to show how much smog and fog the media and interest groups generate which obscures from public view & scrutiny the real facts and the real issues about climate change and pollutant emmissions under Kyoto.

Oh yeah, another inconvenient truth ( are you listening Al ? ). From 2000 to 2004 < those are the Dark Ages in the lexicon of Bush-haters > CO2 emmissions throughout Europe increase by 2.3% with only two European nations actually reducing their CO2 emmissions. Go greens go! :down: OTOH, in Bush country ( that's America for those patriots who renounced their citizenship when Bush moved into the Whitehouse ) US CO2 emmissions drop over 8%. The math of the media which denounces the president's policy doesn't quite add up, does it? And all of this while the US economy grows and Europe scleroses -- might that have something to do with tax breaks and letting people work, spend, and invest themselves?

Sorry if I sound glib, but you get that way after years of listening to media half-truths and shrieking for 6 years. But I am glad that the fallacies of Kyoto are exposed. Now if politicians can sit down and create policy of substance which conforms to reality while providing rationality to the climate debate, then we will all benefit greatly.

Where's Al? That's right, he's out back planting a tree so he can heat his swimming pool and feel good about himself when he goes to bed ( if only he could get over the bed wetting problem ).

I'm feelin' a little mean today, and apologize for that. But it felt good. B)

Sorry if I sound glib, but you get that way after years of listening to media half-truths and shrieking for 6 years.
Barry...could you share with the class what your feelings were on media half truths and shrieking between 1992 and 2000? Not on global warming, but on Troopers, Travel, Drug Rings, Murder, and Monica. Oh...I didn't renounce my citizenship when the Busher was elected....thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. He let me down with his misguided war. Oh yes...and the real patriots are not the ones who follow their leader blindly...If they were, there wouldn't be a USA, would there now?
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Oh, come on KC, I never said that you gave up your citizenship.

Smoke and mirrors are employed by musicians for entertainment, by politicians to get elected, and by newspapers to sell print. Throw in those used car salesmen and you get the idea.

In a sense, it really doesn't matter so long the boys and girls on the playground still act and think rationally (as well as passionately). But that's just my point. A good deal of rationality has disappeared from public debate and it's often pointless, inaccurate, and downright mean-spirited. Ordinarily, it doesn't really matter. But in these times that we live in, it really does matter -- very much so. That's what strikes me about the Blair article in the other thread I start. So please interpret my remarks by that context and not the virtual spears I chuck around.

I'm not tryin' to take the moral high ground. I am still a registered democrat. But I threw away the rose colored glasses a long time ago and see the world for what it is. Beautiful, complex, nuanced and imperfect.

It is however fun to poke a dem and watch them squeak.

But in all seriousness KC, I do respect you, even if we are at times on different poles of the magnet.

Have a nice week . . . I'll be fishing a few days in the OBX with my son and a couple of his friends.

I threw away the rose colored glasses a long time ago and see the world for what it is. Beautiful, complex, nuanced and imperfect.

Barry, not everyone can see the forest for the trees. Their hatred runs too deep! <_<

Have a nice week . . . I'll be fishing a few days in the OBX with my son and a couple of his friends.


Enjoy your post, keep'em coming!

Best of luck angling...'A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work'. :up:

Local 12
BTW... Is your Name Barry as well? :huh:

you really have perfected the art of seeing the forest from the trees. hahaha

you truly are an idiot. one need look no further than 3 posts above to recognize that you also respond to posts that are not directed towards you.

btw... is your name KC as well? :huh:
you really have perfected the art of seeing the forest from the trees. hahaha

you truly are an idiot. one need look no further than 3 posts above to recognize that you also respond to posts that are not directed towards you.

btw... is your name KC as well? :huh:

Typical smitty coward form! :lol:

UT... pegged you from the get go... ;)