Limbaugh is ashamed of Americans

So you are telling that you are ashamed of everything you are not proud of? You have no neutral feelings about anything?

Personally, don't deal in gray areas here ! Ying and Yang and all that ! Good/Evil, Happy/Sad, PROUD/ASHAMED !
OK, lets put it this way. Have you ever, in your lifetime, been proud of America ?
Rush Limbaugh, like Howard Stern, is an entertainer. They seek to provoke.

However, an all-time great line by el Rushbo was the day after the election:

"In a nation of children, Santa Claus will always win"

And your point? Being proud, ashamed or anything in between is very subjective. I am quite disappointed and ashamed at how this country has treated minorities and women in our history and how this same groups are treated (in many ways today). Given the treatment of minorities in this country I can fully appreciate her sentiment.

I believe she would have been just as proud had anyone who was not a white male been elected POTUS. That event was a huge milestone in US history. I was quite proud of that fact even though Obama was not the choice I would have made.
So go to Saudi Arabia and tell them how you are proud of their treatrment of minorities and women in history past, present and I'm sure in future!