Looks like MORE TWU have had enough!

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Frequently Asked questions about the change in our union representation. Below, you will find information about PAFCA and the reasons we are considering making the change to this alternative.

1. Who and what is PAFCA?
The Professional Airline Flight Control Association (PAFCA) is a non-profit national labor organization designed to protect and promote the profession of dispatchers and operational control personnel. PAFCA was first established in 1971 at Delta. Currently, Delta, United and ASA have dispatchers represented by PAFCA with well over 400 members. PAFCA is not affiliated with the TWU, AFL-CIO or any other national labor organization. PAFCA is "dispatchers representing dispatchers". It is dedicated solely to you and your profession. You will not find PAFCA representing mechanics, fleet service personnel, simulator technicians, simulator ground instructors or other unrelated work group.

2. Why PAFCA?
One voice for dispatchers is stronger than many individual voices. PAFCA has established a good working relationship with the airlines where they represent individuals (ASA, DAL and UAL). While PAFCA works toward the goals of the dispatchers, the dispatchers are working for the goals of the airline. This creates a partnership with the corporation that benefits both parties in this relationship.

3. How is PAFCA structured?
PAFCA is made up of locals (PAFCA-DAL, PAFCA-UAL, PAFCA-ASA) which as a whole, forms the International. At the International level, the Board of Directors is made up of the local Presidents plus two national officers - a Chairman and an International Secretary/Treasurer. The goal of PAFCA is to allow the locals to run their own business while looking to the International only for guidance and support.

4. How much are the dues?
Compared to the TWU, with PAFCA you will get more from the dues that you pay! This is because your dues will go directly to an organization that represents dispatchers only.
At the TWU your Local President is paid his AA Salary PLUS a fairly substantial "stipend". He earns this because he represents FIVE airlines (AA plus four others)! And it is not only the President who earns this "stipend". The Vice-President and four other executive board members of the local also draw their regular airline pay PLUS an amount from the TWU. Where does this money come from? YOU and dispatchers at the other four airlines. Secondly, it is quite possible that there could come a time when the TWU Local 542 President and all other board members would NOT be from American Airlines. Imagine Continental board members negotiating your contract and you see the problem - it has already happened!
Bottom line - lots of money changing hands with little accountability and even less representation.
PAFCA dues are set by each Local’s bylaws. Currently the International only collects $2.00/month from each members dues, all other dues remain in place at each local. This means your local is in control of their own finances. The costs of running a local may include renting meeting rooms, obtaining office supplies and the time off from work which may be required of your local president while representing you (away from his/her work). The average dues at other PAFCA locals is forty (40) dollars a month. But this amount will be set by your vote as a member of the AA PAFCA local. As a side note, United's PAFCA local got started by passing the hat!

5. Who runs the Locals?
With PAFCA, it is the membership who runs the Local. PAFCA bylaws require that there be a Local Executive Board composed of at least 3 people: a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary/Treasurer. These positions are filled by a vote of the membership. The president of the Local is also a member of the PAFCA International Board of Directors.

6. Should I consider representation by PAFCA?
YES! As stated above, the PAFCA locals run themselves and financially support their own activities at the discretion of their local members. Unlike the TWU, PAFCA members do not pay for the overhead of a large national labor organization. Your PAFCA Local will need volunteers and support from each and every member. It does take time to be a local officer but we have already had several persons voice an interest in leadership roles. Will these Local officers be salaried? That is up to the membership and depends upon the way our new local bylaws are written. With the TWU you do not have a choice, with PAFCA you do.

7. How is PAFCA different from the TWU?
PAFCA is not for individuals that want an International board running their affairs - it is for those that want to control their own destiny. PAFCA offers the best resources from all carriers represented under the PAFCA umbrella. This resource utilization is coordinated by PAFCA International. However, unlike the TWU, PAFCA International has no veto power over any local collective bargaining agreement. While the PAFCA International does have approval rights over the establishment of Local by-laws, this is only to ensure that they are not contrary to the Constitution of PAFCA International.
Remember that the entire PAFCA organization is composed of dispatchers and not other labor groups. This is the cornerstone of PAFCA. It is something no other labor organization can offer and that includes the TWU. The TWU currently represents thousands of members in many different work classes and crafts at numerous airlines. Because it is so large, it has little incentive to address problems of the smaller work groups, like ours. While they may claim that each local has the best interests of their constituents at heart - the huge size of the TWU causes a natural bias toward the larger locals. Dues money talks! Because of this, it is a fact that within the TWU, small locals have little if any power to address the real concerns of their constituents. These larger work groups naturally have a vested interest in their own concerns without regard to those of dispatchers. While it is true that the TWU Local officers and board members are dispatchers, this doesn't help much because their decisions can be overridden. When push comes to shove, we are completely out-numbered (and out voted) by the rest of TWU's unskilled labor. As part of the TWU, we have only the illusion of control. In reality it is the unskilled labor who wields the power (and the hammer) when necessary. If you do not believe this, just ask the Metro guys who wanted to stay and fight, or the Tech unit that voted no to the T/A, and were over ridden by the International. Of course this was done for the greater good of the TWU!
Because PAFCA is composed only of dispatchers from top to bottom, who cannot be overridden by some "higher authority", they will be more effective and responsive in addressing our concerns.

In summary, this movement is not a condemnation of our leadership - past or present. The current system IS the problem. It must be changed to serve our membership and not the other way around.
Think about the following:
If we did not have our current TWU representation, where else would we look?

Would we want to invest and trust our futures with a group that has aircraft cleaners and baggage loaders controlling the direction and scope of our bargaining unit? - Probably not!
Given a choice, would a professional group like ours want to be associated with a nonprofessional group? - Probably not! Can you imagine lawyers, doctors or pilots being part of a bargaining unit where there were also non-skilled, non-licensed laborers AND those laborers were ultimately in charge? - Probably not!
This change is not about individuals. It is also not about one person's idea of how we should be able to conduct our professional lives. What it is about, is how our group wishes to conduct their professional lives and the choices they collectively wish to make as an informed group. It is about taking those decisions out of the hands of the laborers and putting them into the hands of American's dispatchers. It is about working dispatchers representing working dispatchers from the very top of the organizational structure to the bottom.
So, in the final analysis, PAFCA is the logical answer.
Thank you for your time.
Not only the dispatchers looking to leave the TWU, it aapears the Stock Clerk and Fleet Service have now had enough also....

[SIZE= 24px]American Airline Fleet Service Getting Active With AGW[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]6-6-03[/SIZE][SIZE= 24px]
[SIZE= 14px]Over the last 7 days, the AGW has received emails from several American Airline Fleet Service Clerks.
At American, the TWU lapdog has enjoyed the luxury of no raids because of the
no-raid clause in the AFLCIO constitution. The TWU knew that no matter how aweful its representation was at American that the Fleet service clerks had no alternative. Things have now changed. In the coming months, the AGW hopes to build solid committees in DFW, MIA, and ORD.

The interesting thing about the TWA/AA merger/buyout/whatever, is that the dispatch union at BOTH airlines was the TWU. We''re talking same class, same craft, same union. Should be a nice, easy dovetail, right? A union wouldn''t screw it''s own members now, would it???

It''s interesting to find out that even though BOTH dispatch offices were TWU, the TWA side of the house was only given 25% of their seniority. Because of that, many were furloughed last fall.

Nice representation by the international, huh?

Jim Little? Oh yeah, he is/was an AA dispatcher.
On 6/10/2003 12:47:30 PM FlyStorms wrote:

The interesting thing about the TWA/AA merger/buyout/whatever, is that the dispatch union at BOTH airlines was the TWU. We''re talking same class, same craft, same union. Should be a nice, easy dovetail, right? A union wouldn''t screw it''s own members now, would it???

It''s interesting to find out that even though BOTH dispatch offices were TWU, the TWA side of the house was only given 25% of their seniority. Because of that, many were furloughed last fall.

Nice representation by the international, huh?

Jim Little? Oh yeah, he is/was an AA dispatcher.

Well TWU sure does not represent the TWA aircraft mechanics. One mechanic was told that they are not a part of AA period. So who thinks that the TWA people should have any great love for AA? And what this guy was told I smell a class action lawsuit coming.
On 6/13/2003 9:15:18 PM Workingman wrote:

On 6/10/2003 12:47:30 PM FlyStorms wrote:

The interesting thing about the TWA/AA merger/buyout/whatever, is that the dispatch union at BOTH airlines was the TWU. We''re talking same class, same craft, same union. Should be a nice, easy dovetail, right? A union wouldn''t screw it''s own members now, would it???

It''s interesting to find out that even though BOTH dispatch offices were TWU, the TWA side of the house was only given 25% of their seniority. Because of that, many were furloughed last fall.

Nice representation by the international, huh?

Jim Little? Oh yeah, he is/was an AA dispatcher.

Well TWU sure does not represent the TWA aircraft mechanics. One mechanic was told that they are not a part of AA period. So who thinks that the TWA people should have any great love for AA? And what this guy was told I smell a class action lawsuit coming.

So why are you guys at MCI not attemping to replace the union that is failing to provide representation?

The CARD COUNT at www.amfatulsa.com shows one of that there is no interest in replcing the TWU.
Therefore your co-workers must not feel as you do. at of approximatley 1282 members at MCI only 73 have taken any inititive to replace the TWU.
The latest on AA Dispatcher wanting to shed Jim the dispatcher Little and the TWU...

Latest News
As Of: June 14, 2003

The PAFCA Organizing Committee is composed of AA dispatchers just like you, who feel that the TWU is not meeting their needs. Upon reviewing dispatcher labor representation at other airlines, we found PAFCA to be our best alternative because we do not want to "reinvent the wheel". PAFCA will be far more responsive than our current bargaining agent. Our "grass root" effort to replace the TWU with PAFCA is well underway.

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