

Mar 26, 2011
Well their you go the union agrees with the company to go to almagamation. Bottom line Jimmy doesn't want to give back any of the money UAL has giving them. If this doesn't convince that we have to get rid of the Teamsters nothing will their in bed with the company Its a hard choice but it is time to sign a card for the IAM. Company should have done the right thing we gave up so much this contract should have been about us what we need to go forward it shows you what they think about us they dispise us it time to fight back Line mechanics need to start slowing down all of us need to start fighting back keep voting no and lets take this to the PEB. If you take the high of UPS and the low of UAL PEB will put us at $42 to $45 dollars an hour Unless you give up you Retro they can't take it from you VOTE NO>>