Miami Shut Down

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Aug 20, 2002
[STRONG]MIAMI -- [/STRONG]Several concourses at Miami International Airport were evacuated today after a Transportation Security Administration security guard allegedly fell asleep on the job.
[P][IMG height=150 alt=Passengers and others wait things out in an above-ground walkway hspace=10 src= width=200 align=right vspace=5 border=0]Concourses A through E were evacuated as a precaution since airport officials didn't know just how long the guard in Concourse B had been dozing, and who may have passed through the security post during the nap.
[P]Two passengers went through the security checkpoint at Concourse B missing the attention of security screeners, said airport spokesman Tere Estorino.
[P]The evacuation has caused numerous headaches for workers and thousands of passengers alike, and affetced 41 flights going in and out of the affected concourses.
[P]Michael Putney is at MIA and says that as of about 3 p.m., all concourses reopened, and flights were getting back on schedule. [/P][BR][FONT size=3][STRONG]Now [EM]that's[/EM] your government in action![/STRONG][/FONT]
I believe a guard fell asleep and it was determined that someone could have used a secure door?
I take it you would rather have some unverified passengers on your next flight?

On 11/15/2002 5:41:26 AM RV4 wrote:

I take it you would rather have some unverified passengers on your next flight?

Even worse; have an illegal alien working along side of you, as in the recent revelations at EWR airport.[img src='']
Thats it WNP attempt to make the other posters seem ignorant, edit ing your post after a few of us have responded. If in the future you are aware of the whole story please post all of the facts the first time. I tire of your anti-government slogans. If you are so far to the left maybe there is a place in Red China for you. You are only proving how un-American you are. If you have a beef with the government then use the theory of the representive republic to make your changes.
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[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/15/2002 12:39:45 PM [STRONG]Buck[/STRONG] wrote: [BR][BR]Thats it WNP attempt to make the other posters seem ignorant, edit ing your post after a few of us have responded. If in the future you are aware of the whole story please post all of the facts the first time. I tire of your anti-government slogans. If you are so far to the left maybe there is a place in Red China for you. You are only proving how un-American you are. If you have a beef with the government then use the theory of the representive republic to make your changes.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]I did post the entire story, before ANYONE saw it. Somehow the system burped and replaced everything with the original stuff....or do you not notice the change to the menu page....probably not.[BR][BR]And yes........when your government tells you that they can do a much superior job at security....and when THEIR new employees fall asleep on the job causing shut downs, major system delays, and financial losses to already struggling carriers, then there is plenty of beef to go around.[BR][BR]Sorry you think I'm so left but that's the typical diatribe of a GOP drone. Actually, I tend to favor common sense and therefore can freely state the obvious with no guilt whatsoever.[BR][BR]As for your un american comment, I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. Sometimes it is completely useless to bother debating with a 'pure left wing manifesto' expert, such as yourself. You have absolutely [EM]no [/EM][A href=mailto:f*#@ing][FONT color=#000000][EM]frigging[/EM][/FONT][/A][EM] clue[/EM]![BR][BR]Have a nice day!
Don't bash the government. After all your great AA was is one of the leading airlines to get by with the least amount of security at the lowest costs of course. As for MIA in general it is basically a refugee camp. AA's operations at MIA have alot to be desired. They should check the employees themselves to see if they're even legal aliens/residents/citizens. Just take a look at the ramp opps at MIA and you will understand. Nearly 70% are part timers and with the old TWU contract keeping all new hires at the junior pay scale for infinity then you begin to wonder how the opperation even functioned. A huge revolving door of new hires then resignations or should I say no return to work with whereabouts unknown. Remember, you get what you pay for. So as long as the employees keep shouldering the costs the big airlines will continue to drive themselves into the ground. We should not have to continuouslly bear the burden of management's greed and self indulgance. I can only hope that there is a flicker of light at the end of the tunnell. Carty needs to go, Crandal lives within him and if Carty and the others get there wish to do away with the Railway labor act then we are all in deep trouble.
Lame answer WNP. Your continue with your political ways and the GOP will hold onto the House and Senate and the White House. The system burped? Gimme a break. You got caught pure and simple. If the Clinton administration would done it's job in the first place there would be no need for the type of security being used today. Grow up and quit being a sore (democrat) loser. You continually blast those that take a more moderate or political right position and when it is returned you cry foul. You make me sick.
Stop the personal attacks or the thread will be closed. If you want to discuss politics, I believe there is a thread going on the just conversation board. Have at it there.
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