NASA Study Acknowledges Solar Cycle, Not Man, Responsible for Past Warming


May 17, 2008
Al Gore is not going to be happy...

Report indicates solar cycle has been impacting Earth since the Industrial Revolution

Now, a new research report from a surprising source may help to lay this skepticism to rest. A study from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland looking at climate data over the past century has concluded that solar variation has made a significant impact on the Earth's climate. The report concludes that evidence for climate changes based on solar radiation can be traced back as far as the Industrial Revolution.
Al Gore is not going to be happy...

Thank you for posting the article. I am "up in the air" on the issues of the exact cause of such warming; but I am confident that man-made emissions impact our world, whether through heat/cold cycles or otherwise. NASA also notes/agrees with this. This is an excerpt from an article that is very recent from NASA:

"The severe heat that descends on the farm country of the Midwest each summer has combined with manmade emissions to create increasingly higher levels of surface ozone over the past several decades. As temperature and the likelihood of stagnant summertime air masses increase, chemical reactions involving nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in the air – often the emissions from fossil-fuel burning – create widespread smog and its most prevalent component, surface ozone.

At the ground level, too much ozone causes respiratory problems in humans. Research attributes as many as 4,000 deaths per year in the U.S. to elevated ozone levels in the summer. Ozone similarly affects plants. The compound enters plants through pore-like openings in their leaves and then reacts with surfaces inside the plant to cause oxidizing damage through tissue destruction. The result is depressed photosynthesis, stunted growth and, for sensitive crops such as soybeans, reduced yield."
NASA ? Why would anyone believe what they've got to say ? :blink:

You know your slowely taking money out of Gore's pocket , when you post drivel like this !

Anyone ever had thier Nobel prize taken away from them ? :up:
I feel a soapbox moment coming on...

Unbelievable how if it agrees with your wisdom and beliefs it's 199% correct, but if it doesn't it simply isn't true. NASA has indicated that man does cause it, now he doesn't cause it, well stay tuned for the he MIGHT cause it!

My parents didn't give 2 Shiites about global warming nor did anybody else. The earth is like a cajillion years you can really pinpoint the earth's real age with accuracy...and little old me is going to destroy it? Was I responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs? Wouldn't it be cool if they were still around? At least we'd have PETA to try to make vegetarians out of the T-Rexes that would seize the moment for a free meal!

Doesn't the flatulence of a moose put out more carbon gas than the entire airline industry? Why aren't we rendering these animals extinct? Farmers are going to be taxed because of the cow-gas that's causing global warming.

I know it doesn't matter to most but in the NE it has been rather cooler than normal. It's June, REMEMBER? I saw a lady with gloves and a coat!

In the ironic words of a song by Billy Joel...we didn't start the fire...

Remember that science can be proven wrong. What science said in my generation may be totally different in yours. Sometimes your own reasoning and gut-feeling are true and they go against the rest of the norm.

In the end you are free to believe what you want.
Others saw darker motives in the climate debate.

These skeptics, including Rohrabacher, contended that global warming is a liberal-inspired hoax, intended to wrest control of world energy policy and wealth from Western countries so the United Nations can have its way.


Someone still has to explain to me how close to 7 billion people and all their crap do not affect the environment and the climate.
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet" Al Gore, March 9, 1999 ....(remember that one?)

that is where the man lost all credibility with me!

he made that comment during an interview with Wolf Blizter and what he actually did was help support the technology that helps to advance the "Internet"..

for people to even embrace that man as an authority on anything is well...

global warming and changes are not entirely caused by man..our planet is hundreds of millions and millions plus years old and has gone through cycles of climate change in the past and more than likely will again. most of this happens simply because our entire solar system (not just the planets orbiting the sun) the entire solar system is moving around in the universe.. we are not stationary.. there are forces and events in space that can actually cause an effect on earth's climate..

the Mayans probably had something figured out based on something they knew from earlier civilizations or what they went through..

what would be interesting is if they can figure out what happened on Mars to cause it to lose its electromagnetic field or whatever it is that deflects the direct radiation from the Sun.

our entire solar system and the planets goes through a cycle of existence.. I wonder what they have already figured out?
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And "Deforestation is the logging and/or burning of trees in the forested area" which means what to you? You really think the earth is that fragile?

The only thing that we do know is if a big meteor slams into the earth and covers the atmosphere (like the dinosaurs) then that will cause your global schmobal whatever.

And yet even after that...the earth recovered...hmmm maybe the earth isn't so fragile after all perhaps?
Urban expansion


Landsat images of the Aral Sea region of the former Soviet Union, now Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Processed by the US Geological Survey, these satellite images show the changes in the Aral Sea region in (from left to right) 1973, 1987 and 2000. Since the 1960s, water has been diverted from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers feeding the Aral to irrigate millions of acres of land for cotton and rice production in Central Asia. In the past few decades, the Aral Sea's volume has decreased by 80 percent, and its surface area has decreased by 60 percent.

Las Vegas
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  • #14 been scammed.

Media Ignore Al Gore’s Financial Ties to Global Warming

Former Vice President Al Gore has built a Green money-making machine capable of eventually generating billions of dollars for investors, including himself, but he set it up so that the average Joe can't afford to play on Gore's terms. And the US portion is headed up by a former Gore staffer and fund raiser who previously ran afoul of both the FEC and the DOJ, before Janet Reno jumped in and shut down an investigation during the Clinton years.

[H]ow Gore buys his "carbon offsets," as revealed by The Tennessean raises serious questions. According to the newspaper's report, Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management:

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe...

Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.

Even Nasa wasnt so convinced in 2007...did anyone notice???

NASA Sees Arctic Ocean Circulation Do an About-Face

While I agree that the planet does have climate cycles I do not agree with those who say man has little or no affect on the planet. I know from personal experience that if I stand in a field, I am far cooler than if I stand in the middle of a concrete parking lot on the same day. The amount of heat being absorbed and reflected back to the atmosphere by all the structures has an effect. The pollution we are pumping into the air and to the water has an effect. If affects plant life, animal life which in turn affects other plants and animals which in turn affects the planet. I can remember driving from Big Bear CA (a mountain resort out side of Los Angeles) down to LA. You could see the inversion layer. It held down a gray/brown layer of smog that was something out of a sci-fi movie. That has to affect the environment and the climate. Precipitation, heat absorption, wind patterns, animal migration patterns.. you name it. The presence of man affects it.

While we may not have the instantaneous affect that a meteor or a nuke would have, I believe that if we do not take corrective action the end result will be similar. We may pollute our selves into extinction.