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New Early Out ( with medical? )


Aug 20, 2002
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Has anyone heard anything about a new early out with some kind of retiree medical attached? 
Thats not funny.  I was praying!!!!!!!!
Please God, let there be a Buy Out with Medical , before they flip the switch in October.  Even my sister who is married to a dump truck driver has medical from  her husbands early retirement. We work for the largest Airline in the world, and we can't retire at age 62, unless we want to pay the entire shot, or go on Obamacare, and then pay the entire shot.  Don't get it.
First it would not be funny and second it was posted the day before.
On the FSC side only 79 are of age 59 and older. And 32 are of retirement age (62 and older). This is just an estimate, I used the hire date and added to get a age as if they were hired at the age of 18. And yes some came later in life. The only offer now is if your age and years of service add up to 65 you can retire with flight. 
Omg a retiree / medical buyout package would be a God sent for so many in title 1 ... Folks that want to leave would be able to and AA would be able to upgrade a bunch of young next generation mechanics ... And being that the fleet is new that woukd work out perfect on the experience level as well ... But I guess that makes to much sense ... Oh well ......, one can only hope ....
The only way I can see that happening is the company in return asking for a larger percentage of outsourcing.
The would need to because they would lose a few thousand mechanics.
Isn't it just cheaper to make life so miserable for people so that they'll leave on their own?...
eolesen said:
Isn't it just cheaper to make life so miserable for people so that they'll leave on their own?...
I think you under estimate the power of collective resistance to that method
eolesen said:
Isn't it just cheaper to make life so miserable for people so that they'll leave on their own?...
The cost of medical insurance in retirement is keeping Many current employees far from any retirement plans.
CMH_GSE said:
The cost of medical insurance in retirement is keeping Many current employees far from any retirement plans.
Yup, they want us working 'till we die.
Well I am going to retire when I can and I will already have a retiree plan. I just need about $6000- $8000 for the annual premiums.....if I am under the poverty level....
Rogallo said:
Yup, they want us working 'till we die.
They have no choice now, they cant get anyone who want to come and work for AA. They cant fully staff MIA because it would crater the operation in NY.  They wont be looking to inspire people to leave, they will be looking to trap them here, and the IAMNPF is probably a component of their plan. 