new strain of virulent staph

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local 12 proud

Mar 5, 2004
"Ordinary soap will do. It dilutes the concentration of bacteria. You don't need antibacterial soap."

Another preventable illness being spread by sexual deviants.

A new variety of staph bacteria, highly resistant to antibiotics and possibly transmitted by sexual contact, is spreading among gay men in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles, researchers reported Monday.

The risk of contracting this difficult-to-treat bug is 13 times greater for gay men than for the rest of the city's population, researchers found.

"We probably had it here first, and now it is spreading elsewhere," said Binh An Diep, a researcher at San Francisco General Hospital and lead author of the report. "This is a national problem, and San Francisco is at the epicenter."

What is unusual in this case is the high percentage of infections - up to 40 percent - occurring in the buttocks and genitalia.

Although researchers have stopped short of declaring this form of staph a sexually transmitted disease, the infections are found where skin-to-skin contact occurs during sexual activity.

Most of the infections are limited to the skin surface, but the bacteria can invade deeper tissues or disseminate through the bloodstream. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various forms of MRSA are causing 95,000 of these more costly and potentially life-threatening infections - and 19,000 deaths - annually in the United States.

"We are nowhere near the peak," Diep said. "The peak will occur when it spreads into the general population."

story here
Another preventable illness being spread by sexual deviants.
It is only fitting that the hysterical distortion of the transmission of this infection is done by mental deviants. Skin-to-skin contact occurs during both heterosexual and homosexual sexual activity.
Some people just can't take a few lessons from AIDS and other STD's and learn from it.
If one enjoys sexual promiscuity and don't wrap that wrangler, then you get the nasties. :shock:

Too bad, soo sad....... :p

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It is only fitting that the hysterical distortion of the transmission of this infection is done by mental deviants. Skin-to-skin contact occurs during both heterosexual and homosexual sexual activity.

I guess reading comprehension isn't one of your stronger points.

The risk of contracting this difficult-to-treat bug is 13 times greater for gay men than for the rest of the city's population, researchers found.

Sounds like rump rangers are the predominant group most likely to contract/spread the infection to me.
It is only fitting that the hysterical distortion of the transmission of this infection is done by mental deviants. Skin-to-skin contact occurs during both heterosexual and homosexual sexual activity.

Let me tell you first hand about MRSA......(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA))

Its called Staphylococcus aureus and it survives topically on your skin and normally provides

little if any problems.If say,for some reason you become weakened or in my case,

overwhelmed topically to infection,you have to deal with it.I work now in the printing industry

after leaving aviation after some 20 years.The printing industry uses all types of inking

and coating agents to make the paper have that special sheen and for the ink to cure quickly.One of the ways they cure coating and ink is via ultraviolet light and the chemicals they

use bother some people (like me ) and for some strange reason leave others totally unaffected.

After some repeated exposures to these chemical inks and coatings,I was told that yes this

stuff is bad Ju-Ju for some.I had a rash on my hands and forearms that looked very much

like measels or smallpox.After repeated exposures and even using barrier creams and protective

devices such as rubber gloves and such,my skin has become so sensitized that I only have

to be within feet of the printing press utilizing the UV light drying process that I get the rash...

(from aerobic misting)So now I can not work on this type press as we have only one type out of 6

configured this way.Anyway.....these measels turned into zits with pus and such and I had to go to a

workplace medical service....and I figured it was pusy zit type of a thing...they said it looked like

MRSA and took a culture.At the time the local media was making a big issue out of

this as it can be I ended up being dosed with huge amounts of anti-biotic drugs

that made me dizzy and such.They gave me steroid cream that made the zits go away.So now

I stay very much away from the UV press,but the craps all around in the air misting....Its a bittch.

And never quess who one of our biggie accounts are? US Airways...ticket pouches....10 million

every quarter. :huh:
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It is only fitting that the hysterical distortion of the transmission of this infection is done by mental deviants. Skin-to-skin contact occurs during both heterosexual and homosexual sexual activity.

Thought you might enjoy this post from another forum seeing how you are on a quest truth seeker :up:

First off, don't start in with the bogus "..this is not just a homosexual disease" BS. The militant homosexuals tried that with AIDS because they figured nobody gave a damn if a bunch of men riding the Hershey highway got sick from their disgusting behavior so they used the chicken little scare that even the heterosexuals were going to get it. Statistically speaking, its almost a negligible number of how many true non-drug using heterosexuals have AIDS. The numbers overwhelmingly belong to the homosexual/bisexual and drug using population. Back in the late 80s a dire warning was implemented that warned within 10 years everybody would either have AIDS or know someone who did. What a crock! I've never met or personally know of one single solitary soul with AIDS - None! Maybe that's because I don't travel in drug-using, homosexual, risky behavior circles. AIDS is NOT a disease for everyone and it most certainly DOES discriminate.

Same story with this MSRA strain that apparently is very virulent and active in the homosexual community. If it weren't - this story wouldn't have made the news. Although MRSA DOES exist outside of the homosexual circles, it apparently seems to so much more prevalent with those who put out the welcome mat to filth and disease. It's just another shining example of how unnatural and unhealthy the homosexual practice is and those engaging in such behavior will end up receiving the due penalty for their barbaric mysophilia. Also telling homosexuals to "shower to prevent infection" is about the stupidest advice I've read. Are you kidding? Do you know what homosexuals do? What part of the body they use? You can't be "clean" and be a homosexual - they are mutually exclusive! The very act of homosexual "sex" is by definition unsanitized, filthy and inviting to every known germ in the natural world. Since homosexual men cannot have sex in the proper manner, they use the most filthy vile part of the human body to counterfeit sex...they use the sewer as their playground.

Look, you can't fix stupid. That's what it comes down to. If the fudge-packers haven't learned by now that partying with fecal matter is dangerous and unhealthy - then let the chips fall where they may. Maybe this will vindicate Darwin at last....natural selection as its best.
Source: Corinna Kaarlela
[email protected]

18 January 2008

Statement from UCSF Dept of Public Affairs regarding study on emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clone USA300 in men who have sex with men

We regret that our recent news report (1-14-08) about an important population-based study on MRSA USA300 with public health implications contained some information that could be interpreted as misleading. We deplore negative targeting of specific populations in association with MRSA infections or other public health concerns, and we will be working to ensure that accurate information about the research is disseminated to the health community and the general public.
contained some information that could be interpreted as misleading

We deplore negative targeting of specific populations

A little PC ass kissing (oops...poor word choice).

Looks like they don't want to flame the gays even though the information has merit.
A clean asswhole is a friendly asswhole..... :rolleyes:

All aboard the Buckeye Express
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