"Thin Man"

Not to be confused with Tin Man. Its a play on his last name and pretty much describes how he is built.
"Yukon Cornelius"

During the winter this guy lets his beard grow and when he puts on a knit hat he is the spitting image of the cartoon character in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The only thing missing is the pick ax.
Hey Joe,
We forgot about "A-K"! He has an extreme affinity for guns. There was this one guy from LGA who kept hounding and making fun of him. One day "A-K" came in to work and handed something to this guy and told him "this has your name on it". He opened his palm and found this polished .45 caliber bullet with the guys name engraved across it. That was the last day I ever heard anything smart said to "A-K"'s face. :up:

An eyewitness told me this story - it was back in the day when you could get away with this sort of thing.

A supervisor in a small southern airport had a h*rd-on for a p/t employee. Always harassing him, piled on the dog work, and in general made life unpleasant.

P/T agent walking into the supe office one day while the supe was making up the deposit, and unloaded a starter pistol in him. The supervisor fell down behind the desk squalling, "He shot me, the SOB shot meeeee!!!!"

The manager got both sides of the story, and told both of them to knock it off. The supervisor never, EVER intercoursed with the agent again.

Today, that would result in a SWAT team, involuntary commitment to a psych ward and termination.
<SNIP> P/T agent walking into the supe office one day while the supe was making up the deposit, and unloaded a starter pistol in him. The supervisor fell down behind the desk squalling, "He shot me, the SOB shot meeeee!!!!"

The manager got both sides of the story, and told both of them to knock it off.
Geez, that was funny!

This post goes out to all the hopeless sinners, and pilferers of obsolete galley supplies.

Intercoursing is allowed at work? I really need to get a job there.

Of course it is - why do you think they issue knee pads?!? :shock:

I've, ahem, heard about two-backed beasties and their variants in covered baggage carts, dark jetways (and loading bridges!), air cargo offices after hours, fuel trucks, and the list goes on....
anyone know who "Chief Wahoo " is or how about . "Chief Sitting Bull" or maybe

I DO. :eek: :D :eek: :D
Here are several I've known over the years-most all retired now: Bluto,Dr.Doom,Minus one,Mole,Peas and Carrots,Windsock,Big E,Stosh,The General,Jake the Snake,Large Lou,piss and moan,Moon,Snapper,Wrinkles,Big John,Rainman

Intercoursing is allowed at work? I really need to get a job there.

Mizz… Shannon…

We’ve been gittin’ “intercoursed†at work since 1989!

That certainly qualifies it for customary…past practice…and thus, part of the scope language!

You will see this reflected in the next Collective Bargaining Agreement at Wendy’s!