No "flu" Vaccine.

Aug 20, 2002
(I just CAN'T resist)

We now know, that the United States of America, will NOT have enough flu shots,(for the second straight year).
Question, Is'nt the Secretary of Health and Human services, under the "guidance" of the President of the USA ???
Did'nt I see the "smirkin' CHIMP give a "snotty" remark about not having enough vaccine , the other night on TV ???
(please forgive me for ASKING this question)
IS'NT it DUMBYA's responsibility to ensure that we DO have enough vaccine ?????
What might the lack of flu shots due to the attendence of AA f/a's, this winter ??


And, didn't AA announce that even it's own flu shot program for employees would be suspended this year for lack of available vaccine?

This could be opportunistic, in more ways than one! Not just FAs get the flu you know.
Yes, and I just flew a three day trip and a man walked into our galley (where we were setting up the beverage cart) and he sneezed all over without covering his mouth. Classy. After the flight, we flight attendants commented on the fact that numerous passengers were sneezing and coughing. The coughing was that deep, nasty cough that one gets when really sick. I fear this season is going to be awful. No matter how many times we wash our hands during a flight, the germs are hovering in that recycled air and it is only by sheer luck if we don't get sick. Not to beat a dead horse, but 9 hour layovers don't help the situation either as rest is crucial.

We shall see how the winter goes, but I predict a lot of people will get sick across the country.

Art Tang
ArtTang said:
Yes, and I just flew a three day trip and a man walked into our galley (where we were setting up the beverage cart) and he sneezed all over without covering his mouth. Classy. After the flight, we flight attendants commented on the fact that numerous passengers were sneezing and coughing. The coughing was that deep, nasty cough that one gets when really sick. I fear this season is going to be awful. No matter how many times we wash our hands during a flight, the germs are hovering in that recycled air and it is only by sheer luck if we don't get sick. Not to beat a dead horse, but 9 hour layovers don't help the situation either as rest is crucial.

We shall see how the winter goes, but I predict a lot of people will get sick across the country.

Art Tang

I wonder if it is time to consider face masks.
I suggest that you use your sick time wisely. I recently learned that when Laurie Curtis came to Flight Service, she made a commitment to Arpey that she would reduce the lost time. Service Manager's are to advance you to the next level unless there is a very good reason not to.

I think the days of abusing the policy are over, and we all know people that abuse the policy. I know of a 17 year flight attendant who just got fired for attendance. Granted she may get her job back but the compnay is in no hurry to hear her grievance and in the meantime she is on the verge of losing her home as unemployment doesnt pay very well and she cant find a job.
Couple of points:

The annual flu vaccine is only for the particular strain that the health gurus think will be the predominant variety in a given winter. Having the flu shot has no effect on all the other strains out there, so even with the vaccine, you might still get plenty sick from other strains.

The flu shot has no effect on the common cold, of which there are hundreds of different varieties. Some people will catch several per year, and no shot prevents that.

Lastly, this is AA. Holiday Flu is usually rampant even when there's enough flu vaccine to go around. Even if the vaccine shortage increases (doubles or triples) the amount of real illness, compared to vast amount of slacker Holiday Flu, it won't even cause a blip.

That said, it's distressing that the British company that was manufacturing about half the expected US doses for Chiron screwed up and caused the British health authorities to trash their entire production. US flu deaths will probably increase this year, and that's a real shame.
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FWAAA said:
Couple of points:

The annual flu vaccine is only for the particular strain that the health gurus think will be the predominant variety in a given winter. Having the flu shot has no effect on all the other strains out there, so even with the vaccine, you might still get plenty sick from other strains.

The flu shot has no effect on the common cold, of which there are hundreds of different varieties. Some people will catch several per year, and no shot prevents that.

Lastly, this is AA. Holiday Flu is usually rampant even when there's enough flu vaccine to go around. Even if the vaccine shortage increases (doubles or triples) the amount of real illness, compared to vast amount of slacker Holiday Flu, it won't even cause a blip.

That said, it's distressing that the British company that was manufacturing about half the expected US doses for Chiron screwed up and caused the British health authorities to trash their entire production. US flu deaths will probably increase this year, and that's a real shame.


"OH .......MY.........GOD (II) ",
I can't believe that I'm in agreement with FWAAA, perhaps for the first time ever !!!

(For the second year in a row),The Lack of vaccine(for the MOST powerful/wealthy nation in the world is "inexcuseable"

Does anyone know if Great Britain, Canada, or Austrailia is going WITHOUT adequate supplies ????????

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crew4aa said:
I suggest that you use your sick time wisely. I recently learned that when Laurie Curtis came to Flight Service, she made a commitment to Arpey that she would reduce the lost time. Service Manager's are to advance you to the next level unless there is a very good reason not to.

I think the days of abusing the policy are over, and we all know people that abuse the policy. I know of a 17 year flight attendant who just got fired for attendance. Granted she may get her job back but the compnay is in no hurry to hear her grievance and in the meantime she is on the verge of losing her home as unemployment doesnt pay very well and she cant find a job.

A VERY wise post !!!!!!!!

To ALL AAers, Make "double dam* SURE" that you take the time to obtain SOLID documentation if your "absent" from duty, whether it's (hypothetically) 10/19, 11/11,"11/25", "12/24", "12/25","12/31", or "1/1" !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do NOT give "fire a place to start" !!!

RETIRED/Thank GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never had a flu shot......wife never had one.....and my kid never had one either. Guess how many times we've been sick? Total scam perpetuated by media and drug companies.
The recycled air thing is a big myth. Most aircraft replace air faster than most hospitals do and a lot faster than most offices. The air also circulates within each row from ceiling to floor. Being stuck in an airliner is actually a good place to be during flu season.

While the vaccine is focused on a strain, it does help prevent other least according to my doctors. While you may get sick, it will likely not be as bad since you body already has a close idea of what to fight...
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
(I just CAN'T resist)

We now know, that the United States of America, will NOT have enough flu shots,(for the second straight year).
Question, Is'nt the Secretary of Health and Human services, under the "guidance" of the President of the USA ???
Did'nt I see the "smirkin' CHIMP give a "snotty" remark about not having enough vaccine , the other night on TV ???
(please forgive me for ASKING this question)
IS'NT it DUMBYA's responsibility to ensure that we DO have enough vaccine ?????
What might the lack of flu shots due to the attendence of AA f/a's, this winter ??



It's amazing what people will turn into political commentary in an election year.
Here are a some tidbits of information. Did you know that on average 35 million people a year get a flu shot? This year there are an estimated 50 million doses avaliable. Some of the people you see "panicking" for a flu shot are only doing so because they see reports on the news about the "run on vaccines".

In my six years of working for AA I've had a flu shot once. You know how many times I have gotten sick from the flu, not once. The flu shot is recomended for those 6-23 months of age and over 50. Since most AA employees are not in this age group I doubt we will see some sort of operational emergency from everyone getting the flu.
Blaming the current president for the fact that we don't manufacture any flu vaccine in the US is pretty weak, Bears.

Better question would be "why don't we manufacture this in the US" instead of having to import it.

My guess would be lawsuits from people like John Edwards, but that just might be interpreted as a political statement...

I also agree that this is mostly a scam and media hype. How many working age adults actually got flu shots prior to 1995? We did just fine then, no reason we won't do just fine now.
Former ModerAAtor said:
My guess would be lawsuits from people like John Edwards, but that just might be interpreted as a political statement...

I expected better from you than this tired old partisan drivel.

The truth of the matter is that vaccines seldom are profitable — particularly flu vaccine, which is good only for the year in which it’s made. Most years, a few million doses go unsold and are thrown away.

Medical groups and the General Accounting Office have been warning for years that too few suppliers make flu vaccines, creating the potential for shortages.

For the past three years the American Medical Association has been encouraging the federal government to provide financial incentives to get additional manufacturers to produce flu vaccine.

Journal Inquirer


HGIEFOswitch said:
Never had a flu shot......wife never had one.....and my kid never had one either. Guess how many times we've been sick? Total scam perpetuated by media and drug companies.

Only in a selfish, self-absorbed country like the USA would a purely anecdotal example of one family be used as proof against millions of other people that something is a scam.

I've never died of a heart attack. I guess all those warnings against cholesterol and lack of exercise are a scam also. :lol: