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Northwest Airlines to Fly Between Minneapolis/St. Paul and Helena, Montana

Well, the fun never stops here on the NWA message board! Woohoo! [😉]

Then again, this may be better than the usual "DC-9 Replacement" discussion and its inevitable old planes vs. new planes, Boeing vs. Airbus bickering...
Montana??....What is the deal with montana all of the sudden. HP adds service to BIL, followed shortly by Alaska, and now this..You mean there are actually people in Montana?? What's next - heavy North Dakota service?[:bigsmile:]
At least NWA is expanding rather than contracting like other airlines appear to be doing.
With the only mainline service to Fargo, Bismarck, and Grand Forks, I'd say NW already has heavy North Dakota service! [:bigsmile:]
On 8/21/2002 4:41:06 AM

Montana??....What is the deal with montana all of the sudden. HP adds service to BIL, followed shortly by Alaska, and now this..You mean there are actually people in Montana?? What's next - heavy North Dakota service?[:bigsmile:]

Whaddya mean "all of the sudden"? NW's flown to "Big Sky Country' since the 1930s! I'm sure all of us who've been around awhile remember the "Montana diamond" from the route map in their timetables--MSO, GTF, HLH, BTM, BZM, and BIL.
Now if only they'd bring back mainline service to Butte--a neat little city, BTW...[:bigsmile:]
On 8/21/2002 10:31:11 AM

With the only mainline service to Fargo, Bismarck, and Grand Forks, I'd say NW already has heavy North Dakota service! [:bigsmile:]

How could you leave out Minot?!

The new MSP-ALB nonstop service will be one daily round trip with a 50-seat CRJ. More details (such as the flight times) can be found in the original Northwest press release.

Hope that helps.
NW is commencing MSP-ALB service at the end of October, but I don't know if it will be "big jet(DC-9, A320/319) or RJ service. Does anyone on this forum know?

Some of DTW-ALB service is being done with the Airbus. It was all DC-9. NW expands service at ALB, but AA contracts. Interesting.
It's important for NWA to emphasize ND and MT service, while AS is opening up SEA-EWR and SEA-MIA. That's why we're becoming the nation's largest regional carrier with a small international division...[:devil:]
Nah, I'm not that tall! Plus I live in the DC area, not New York.[:sun:]