not cool mods

Aug 20, 2002
Earlier today someone posted a thread "why isn't PB banned" and the poster raised some fair questions.

Quite a mild post actually if you ask me

Now already a few hours later the thread (of one single post) has been deleted.

A little too quick on the cornfield highway there, eh?

The mod police are very very quick to wade into a thread and threaten banishment for thread drift. That is your privilege as you own this board.

But how do you justify deleting a entire thread just because you disagree with the topic?

(btw you do allow PB and his self-appointed righteous crowd A LOT more latitude then given to others. Jest sayin.......)
Earlier today someone posted a thread "why isn't PB banned" and the poster raised some fair questions.

Quite a mild post actually if you ask me

Now already a few hours later the thread (of one single post) has been deleted.

A little too quick on the cornfield highway there, eh?

The mod police are very very quick to wade into a thread and threaten banishment for thread drift. That is your privilege as you own this board.

But how do you justify deleting a entire thread just because you disagree with the topic?

(btw you do allow PB and his self-appointed righteous crowd A LOT more latitude then given to others. Jest sayin.......)

Whaaaaaaa........ :lol:
Earlier today someone posted a thread "why isn't PB banned" and the poster raised some fair questions.

Quite a mild post actually if you ask me

Now already a few hours later the thread (of one single post) has been deleted.

A little too quick on the cornfield highway there, eh?

The mod police are very very quick to wade into a thread and threaten banishment for thread drift. That is your privilege as you own this board.

But how do you justify deleting a entire thread just because you disagree with the topic?

(btw you do allow PB and his self-appointed righteous crowd A LOT more latitude then given to others. Jest sayin.......)


I missed it.

Could someone direct me to it, if possible.
