Now Here''s an Employee Group With Guts!


Aug 20, 2002
Fort Mill, South Carolina
AA Flight Attendants to Redo Concessions Vote

A flight attendants' union said it was rescinding its approval of $10 billion in wage cuts and other concessions to American Airlines over six years, striking a serious blow to a plan that the company said it needed to avoid bankruptcy.

Enraged by the recent revelation that the airline planned to give bonuses to top executives, the union said late Friday that it would schedule a new vote on the concessions.

The vote is so tainted that we are proceeding with a revote, said John Ward, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants
That necessitates our members be given a fresh opportunity to vote on the proposed terms in an untainted environment," said John Ward, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, told employees in a recorded message from late Friday. It was not clear when the voting would occur.

Reread the last sentence
On 4/19/2003 8:33:33 AM PineyBob wrote:

2. I don''t think US feels it has the time or resources even now to pursue the return of W & G''s payouts. If US thought for 1 minute they could get their hands on that $35 million they would. The court battle would take years and cost millions. Million US doesn''t have. To them there wasn''t enough PR value to trying to recover the funds which may be unrecoverable

No they''re just going after PIT and the state of PA for $660 million now since they screwed up!! $35 million is just a drop in the bucket now. Add up all the money they are asking from PA plus the money they are now getting from the government again, why in the world does US still have to lay off employees?
Who's kidding who?

No matter how much the employees at AA give back to the company it'll never be enough to offset their losses. The company is going to need their creditors renegotiate their contracts as well and now with this latest turn of events its not a matter of "if" but "when" AA files for BK.

Either Continental or Northwest will be the next to file after that Delta will follow suit.
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Actually I wasn''t thinking of rescending the give backs.

I think that pitBull is right. The war relief clause was invoked too fast, and needs to be ended just as fast. And our Unions are the ones that should force to issue!
On 4/19/2003 9:39:51 AM tug_slug wrote:

No matter how much the employees at AA give back to the company it''ll never be enough to offset their losses. The company is going to need their creditors renegotiate their contracts as well and now with this latest turn of events its not a matter of "if" but "when" AA files for BK.

Either Continental or Northwest will be the next to file after that Delta will follow suit.

This is the "domino effect" from U''s plan. All the majors have no choice, in order to compete. And if you''s all about labor....Even with all the bailout money from the government for this taxpaying dollars, all of them will still prance into BK to make sure that lessors and vendors take concessions.