OWS Backers

Occupy Wall Street finds money brings problems too

(Reuters) - Occupy Wall Street has raised more than $500,000 in New York alone to support anti-greed demonstrations and, seven weeks into the movement, protesters are finding that having money creates headaches.

"People see like $500,000 and they say 'Wow that's a lot of money' but the reality is it's not that much money. You have a huge community -- we're bigger than most of the occupations -- and we probably spent a lot more money," he said.

Better save those pennies up to pay back the damage incurred to the Port of Oakland and local businesses.
Be prepared to get your a$$ sued and $500K won't even cover legal fees... :eek:

Mayor Quan maintaining hands-off position on protesters

"It shouldn't mar the overall impact of the demonstration and the fact that people in the 99 percent movement demonstrated peacefully and for the most part were productive and very peaceful," Quan said. "This morning we focused on ensuring local businesses can open."

She also said that because of what happened, many in the Occupy group were finally willing to communicate with her and city staff.

"The people in the plaza are saying enough is enough, it's gone too far," Quan said. "(What happened after midnight) doesn't make me happy, but we're going to assess the situation day by day, and make sure we have a resolution that's safe for people.

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  • #19
Quan should be impeached as the chief law enforcement officer for the city, but I'm sure that will happen soon.....
In the end, she will be hard pressed to defend both sides of the story.
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  • #20
Yes Dell, the cops CAN break it up, but I'm sure you know.....that if that started happening nationwide, it would only make the movement EVEN stronger. There's millions of people without work, with a TON of time on thier hands and Nothing to do. Wanna' bet they start checking out the local chapter of "Enough is Enough" !

There's tremendous strenght in tremendous numbers !!!!!!!!!!

The movement has been usurped by your anarchists, the socialist union goons are now jumping in also.....most people without jobs aren't the radical a-holes you see on the nightly news.

AND as this thing grows, the political uninformed will start buying into the BO solution of J O B S.................as opposed to the GOP solution of...NO, NO, NO and NO taxes on the "1" %. It will be at the polling places 1 year from today where it will all play out !

You overlook the 15 job bills GOP sent to the Senate, wonder what happened there?

Unless things change real soon, and we know it wont, you can kiss GOP control of ANY branch GOOD BYE !

I kind of doubt America has the stomach for more Dem spending...so you can kiss that idea goodbye.

The Irony will be, GWB won in 04' by scaring people(WMD) and BO could do the same thing with the 1% has ALL the money !

Why Obama suck up to the 1%?
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  • #21
Obama's Pals at it once again?

ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests

Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York -- operating as New York Communities for Change -- have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a FoxNews.com report last week on the group’s involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources.

NYCC also is installing surveillance cameras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/11/03/acorn-officials-scramble-firing-workers-and-shredding-documents-after-exposed/#ixzz1ck2tqpu7
It has and it will be over very quickly.
Well they can just follow the example set by MacArthur bacon the Great Depression when they routed the WWI vets who occupied DC or Red China when they cleared Tieneman Square.
Well they can just follow the example set by MacArthur bacon the Great Depression when they routed the WWI vets who occupied DC or Red China when they cleared Tieneman Square.

I would hardly compare The Bonus Army actions vs the OWS.
The Bonus Army was non violent, did not damage public/private property and had a single purpose.
The actions of the gooberment was abhorrent to the WWI vets, no doubt!

The OWS crowd has no defined purpose. If they had a defined purpose and strong leadership they would be a powerful force.
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  • #24
Noticed on several news outlets that the original OWS people are packing and going home due to facists and anarchists subjugating their Cindergorilla movement and a whole bunch dope heads and homeless moving in for their freebies.....It just isn't fair.
Obama's Pals at it once again?

YES Dell, your right. YOU and "FOX NEWS". :blink:

Don't do ME a favor ol' pal, DO YOURSELF a Favor, and stop embarrassing your self with that reality TV show FOX News ! Those clowns belong in the same catagory as the KARDASHIAN'S !

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  • #27
YES Dell, your right. YOU and "FOX NEWS". :blink:

Don't do ME a favor ol' pal, DO YOURSELF a Favor, and stop embarrassing your self with that reality TV show FOX News ! Those clowns belong in the same catagory as the KARDASHIAN'S !


Tommy.......you actually expect to see any in MSM covering the story of any ACORN involvement in the fleabagg movement??

And why did they change their name? And caught once again meddling......LOL

And I see many here haven't come to the realization yet that the way people get news and the traditional outlets that many have relied upon in the past have changed.....proof is in failing MSM viewing audiences.....DUH.....

Tommy, the past couple election cycles I grew somewhat disenfranchised with MSM and what started looking like lopsided coverage and it really went off the cliff this past cycle.....

Yeah, Tommy, just not my cup of tea anymore.....

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  • #28
YES Dell, your right. YOU and "FOX NEWS". :blink:

Don't do ME a favor ol' pal, DO YOURSELF a Favor, and stop embarrassing your self with that reality TV show FOX News ! Those clowns belong in the same catagory as the KARDASHIAN'S !


Wait a minute.....I thought you were a touchy feely GOP centrist.....thats what your previous posts imply.....you can't be on here foaming at the mouth over Fox News.

My friend, in conservative circles, that's known as blasphemy.

We can overlook this outburst this time.....

Dell, STOP IT, your "killing me" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually I'm a PBS/Jim Lehrer kind of REPUB. :rolleyes:

Pat Robertson said it best (in so many words), "do or DON'T DO whatever it takes so we don't log another check mark in the LOSER column.

Interpetation, with 1 Year to go, EVER REPUG. , Get behind Romney NOW, and quit Friggin' around !!!!!!!!!!!!!