Par 4 The Course

Did you see the News clip where he apologized profusely and personally to the couple?
Look, I'm possibly his biggest critic or at leaest one of his more vocal ones but this whole thing is a distraction and you fell into it. Silly Boy, Isn't there a freeloader education grant you can get at the taxpayers expense instead of wasting band width here?
""If they had just mentioned that they were going to have a wedding on the 16th hole, we would have skipped the 16th hole," Obama said.

No problem, the couple replied."

"Heimel, the bride, told the president: "We just went right above the 16th hole. So we were watching you golf."

Replied Obama: "That must have been kind of painful."

The couple then invited Obama to their reception. Fearing he might cause another wedding mishap, the president respectfully declined.

"Everybody would have to be magged," Obama joked about his security needs. "Sorry for the change of plans. But sounds like you guys are gonna have a great wedding and at least you will have a good story to tell."

"Congratulations and thank you both for your service," Obama added at the end of the call."

"But as it turned out, the bride and groom weren't too disappointed. Sure, they lost their original location, but they gained one heck of a post nuptial-greeting.

"Congratulations on your wedding," the president said in a call following his golf gaffe. "I feel terrible. Nobody told us I hope the wedding went OK anyway."

Indeed, it did.

"It was a blessing in disguise," Mallue told him."

"In this case, the White House didn't know in advance that the couple was being told they had to relocate, said a person familiar with the chain of events..."

Now fa la la TI do, run along back to playing video games in your hate locker.
I don't like the guy as much as anyone but I'm not going to hate on him for that, one I.m hopeful that when he's golfing he's less likely to do something foolish.
two I'm old enough to remember when practically every time Ford played golf he was likely to hit someone.It was always fodder for the late night tv shows.
Didn't Ford and Bob Hope tee off together (along with other Presidents) at the Bob Hope Classic. Seems I remember them both driving it into the gallery.

Found some Bob Hope quotes:

"Bob Hope played golf with many U.S. presidents over the years. At the Bob Hope Classic, Hope's pairing usually including a former president, often Gerald Ford. And President Ford was infamous for beaning spectators with wayward shots.

Here are some of Hope's best barbs directed at his good friend President Ford, along with a couple others for onetime Vice President Spiro Agnew and President Dwight Eisenhower:

"Whenever I play with him (President Ford), I usually try to make it a foursome - the President, myself, a paramedic and a faith healer."

"Gerry Ford is easy to spot on the course. He drives the cart with the red cross painted on top."

"Gerald Ford (is) the most dangerous driver since Ben-Hur."

"It's not hard to find Gerald Ford on a golf course - just follow the wounded."

"I enjoy playing with (President Ford). The element of risk gets my adrenaline flowing and adds twenty yards to my tee shots.""
cltrat said:
I don't like the guy as much as anyone but I'm not going to hate on him for that, one I.m hopeful that when he's golfing he's less likely to do something foolish.
two I'm old enough to remember when practically every time Ford played golf he was likely to hit someone.It was always fodder for the late night tv shows.
Problem with that is President Jarrett is running the show then......but thats all the time anyways.
I heard the couple are anti-gay, closed borders, pro life Christians.
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SparrowHawk said:
Did you see the News clip where he apologized profusely and personally to the couple?
Look, I'm possibly his biggest critic or at leaest one of his more vocal ones but this whole thing is a distraction and you fell into it. Silly Boy, Isn't there a freeloader education grant you can get at the taxpayers expense instead of wasting band width here?
He is only sorry about the negative media coverage he received.
'The couple then invited Obama to their reception. Fearing he might cause another wedding mishap, the president respectfully declined."
In August, Obama golfed on Martha's Vineyard just after speaking to the nation on the Islamic State's beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley. Obama later conceded he "should have anticipated the optics."
That's because Obama is a short sighted, arrogant, selfish fool.
"I think if the president knew - he sort of hits me as a romantic - and I think if he knew, he would have been like 'leave those kids alone,'" the sister of a neighbor, Lisa Piccolo, said. 
Liberal boot licking at its finest. Hail to the king.
Defend him all you want but weddings take planning. I am sure an appointment was made at the golf course for that day. His security should have and most likely did catch it. We can't have the activities of everyday people inconveniencing the anointed one can we?
He likes to play golf. He or more likely his staff made an error in judgement in telling the couple to relocate. (Which is in the standard contract that they may be moved due to a Presidential visit)
He apparently had the decency to at least realize the pending PR debacle and made the call to the couple. Maybe now that he realizes that he has most of his time in office behind him instead of in front of him, he's making an effort at appearing to be more human.
For me there are plenty of things to dislike him for but this isn't one of them.
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SparrowHawk said:
He apparently had the decency to at least realize the pending PR debacle and made the call to the couple.
At least you speak half truths. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
At least you speak half truths. 
Who elected YOU the sole arbiter of Truth? Were you there? I certainly wasn't.
Here's a whole truth for you. I NEVER accepted a Government Education grant and you did. Which makes you a supporter of the current Nanny State and an enemy of Liberty.
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  • #14
SparrowHawk said:
Who elected YOU the sole arbiter of Truth? Were you there? I certainly wasn't.
I take the mans history into account. You should to.
SparrowHawk said:
Which makes you a supporter of the current Nanny State and an enemy of Liberty.
For someone who harps on and on about liberty you sure seem to have appointed yourself judge. I went to school so I am an enemy of liberty? Does your room have padded walls?
Prove you never received a grant. Prove you have never benefited from others taxes......... if you can't then by all means shut the hell up you mental case.
SparrowHawk said:
Here's a whole truth for you. I NEVER accepted a Government Education grant and you did. 
Well, that is what you claim anyway.
We have had this conversation over and over. I have already told you I have paid that back several times over through increased income already,  I have also told you there is a difference between getting a helping hand and becoming a dependent. You choose to hear what you want and ignore what does not fit into your fantasy. 
You know why you keep harping on that... because that is all you have (which is nothing). You keep trying to credit me with something I never said. As much as you want to debase my political beliefs you can't so you just keep recycling the same crap in a futile effort to derail me. The truth is if you had a damn thing you would move on but you don't so here we are rehashing this same tired out conversation.
Show us the receipts from your reimbursement to the US Treasury.  If you don't have any then you didn't pay back your fellow taxpayers.
Earning more and paying more taxes is NOT reimbursement. So how does it feel being a sponge and Nanny State supporter?