Greetings from the greatest Presidency to ever bless the USA and MAGA! Regardless what you hear, the dominoes are falling in a worldwide sting operation. It started when Trump tweeted a site, that of course was hacked temporarily(at least his lead story was) Observe... But lucky for us they got a screenshot here... Click on the rabbit and see for yourself!
Conspiracy? Keep thinking that and watch as things unfold worldwide in the coming weeks(and I'm being conservative). Get caught up as a SS agent is going to expose Hillary and Bill for their sick world.
The swamp is being drained at an alarming rate.
And don't be fooled
I haven't even scratched the surface. Enjoy!
Conspiracy? Keep thinking that and watch as things unfold worldwide in the coming weeks(and I'm being conservative). Get caught up as a SS agent is going to expose Hillary and Bill for their sick world.
The swamp is being drained at an alarming rate.
And don't be fooled
I haven't even scratched the surface. Enjoy!