Rules For The Ramp..Title Edited

isn't that an oxy moron ..........

the assign lead isn't checked off on R/D and doesn't own a pair of kneepads :D :lol:
O-man I guess I'm just a moron,I do it all the time,I 'm 1 of the few a- leads that will work the ramp....I much rather work the ramp ,oh well....
Rule 73, if there are coolers filled with ice water on the ramp, dont take off your headband and dip it in the cooler filled with water that your fellow employees will be drinking.

This actually happened in CLT years back when they had the orange coolers that you put a cup up to fill with cold water.
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  • #155
74. The privilege of swapping shifts carries with it a certain morale obligation. Be thoughtful of your co-workers and do not subject them to the local ramp dufus. We all know who they are and they should be used only as a last resort.
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  • #157
75. Pre-Verbal
The atmosphere in the break rooms before the first pot of coffee brews in the morning.
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  • #158
76. Hair styles are one of the few personal choices we have on the ramp but certain ones should be avoided.
Comb overs and jet blast do not mix very well.
76. Hair styles are one of the few personal choices we have on the ramp but certain ones should be avoided.
Comb overs and jet blast do not mix very well.

:lol: :lol: :lol: MULLETS MULLETS MULLETS ........If you still have one chances are your stylist is the same one you've

been going to for 20 years.. A good MULLET cutter is hard to find . HUH JOE.

sorry . I couldn't resist :up: :up:
Hey O-m & Joe,

Thought you'd appreciate this...a newbie was sent to find a bag stretcher the other day (not by me of course) , went to ops, ops agent told him with a straight face they are in the bin stretchers....

We all had a good laugh.... :lol: :lol:
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  • #161
I knew you couldn't resist that one. I don't know what I'm gonna do when my Mullet cutter retires. Its a lost art form.

GF rookies can be so much fun.
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  • #162
77. The art of conversation is practiced daily in the bins and breakrooms but heed this advice. It is better to let someone think
your an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it. If you violate this rule you will know it immediately because rampers use
sarcasm as a natural defense against stupid.
78.If you sign a swap to work for someone,at least know the work area and start time....don't ASSume that just because they worked in T-2 three bids ago that they still do...
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  • #164
79. Locating a cart to run your bags.............Troublesome.

Locating a cart with a wheel shaped like a football to run your bags.............Priceless!

If you are a runner you know exactly why.
80. When working the bagroom, being gungho and chasing down the bag that has just passed you and the cart that it is supposed to go on is an effort in futility. Everyone other than you knows that the circular bag belt will bring that bag back to you if you'd just be patient.
