School kids march in gay parade

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Never been to MSY, much less during Mardi Gras. I'm not a drinker so not my cup of tea. I would not mind going to see the buildings (that survived) and have some of the food. It's on my too do list.

Actually historic o'leans faired well, most of the old town was spared. as to the food, I grew up in the south and the food (cajun) is beyond description, that is if you like it spicey. :up:

As to the topic. No one is forced to go to the parade. I fail to see how it harms society any more than some of the other crap that goes not that no one even says boo about. The violent films and games that are coming out just to mention one right off the top of my head. Seems as long as someone is making a buck off it, go for it.

Gar I could care less what gays or any other group does in their parade, they could have an orgy or a 'donkey show' on their float. My beef is when "CHILDREN" are exposed to the sexual content be it heterosexual, homosexual, beastiality, get the point? :blink: you've mentioned several times on these boards you don't have children and thats all fine and dandy, but many people do and would prefer to have their childs innocense preserved so they don't grow up to be a pervert!

A Smith has done more to harm society than any gay pride parade has IMO. She maries a billionaire with 2 feet in the grave, has the intelligence of a 5 year old. Parades her self around. Girls look at her and maybe think ... oh I can be like her (or Hilton, Lohan, Spears ....). We live in a society driven by money.

I don't think elementary age children (girls especially) see Anna Nichole as you and I do, Ive raised three kids all grown now two boys and one girl, though times have changed considerably in the past 25 years kids are still kids and their minds can't intelligently process all the crap that is thrown at them by society therefore they need to be protected.

Trump is looked as successful? Why?

By whom?... you? He's a charalton that has figured out to manipulate the system, he steps on whom'ever he has to in order to make money. Im surprised that some ex-buisness partner has'nt had him knocked off!
Trump has his own show which has been on for 3 or 4 seasons. Someone is watching him. According to this link, on this night over 18 million people watched him.

I looked at the pictures on the site. I did not see anything with sexual content. Maybe I missed one, not sure (the server is very slow). Not sure how exposing a child to a Gay Pride parade will corrupt them. I guess it's the same line of reasoning behind movies, porn, violent games... etc. Not sure I buy into that. Granted there have been studies that showed that after viewing a porno film, males were more likely to force a woman to have sex, but I think that speaks more to their lack of character and will power than the influence of a porno.

I have several gay friends, been to gay bars. Never had the urge to switch sides. Yes that's an individual experience but seems that if people are that easily influenced, there are other issues at hand. I knew what was right and wrong when I was a child. I knew stealing was wrong, drugs were bad, smoking could kill you .. etc. I also knew I like girls. It was not a decision I made, saw a picture of a naked girl and got a stiffy. It was not rocket science. In retro spec I wish I would have been exposed to what else was out there in the world at a younger age. It would have given me the knowledge to not ask or say some really stupid things out of sheer ignorance. Live and learn.

If parents want to preserve the innocence of their kids that is their prerogative. As far as I am aware, no one is preventing them from doing that or am I missing something? If exposure is what creates a pervert, there must be a whole lot in hiding. I saw a show on TV the other night and the porn industry brings in IIRC sever billion dollars a year. I believe they stated the porn industry makes more than regular Hollywood. From what I recall reading over the past several years, most child molesters are not gay (with the possible exception of catholic priests and Ted Haggard) but hetero. Manson, the BTK killer, Dalmer (sp?) … etc all hetero as I recall.

What makes one kid go bad, and not others is still a big mystery. I seriously doubt exposure to the world is the cause. I would guess that family life and short circuit upstairs are more the culprit. Look at those two blond girls signing nazi songs. They seem as girl next door as anyone till they open their mouth. Then they change into the poster children for abortion. Same with the mom and dad, they look very nice, then they blow the illusion by speaking. I don’t think anyone really knows what creats monsters like that.
Trump has his own show which has been on for 3 or 4 seasons. Someone is watching him. According to this link, on this night over 18 million people watched him.
I looked at the pictures on the site. I did not see anything with sexual content. Maybe I missed one, not sure (the server is very slow). Not sure how exposing a child to a Gay Pride parade will corrupt them. I guess it's the same line of reasoning behind movies, porn, violent games... etc. Not sure I buy into that. Granted there have been studies that showed that after viewing a porno film, males were more likely to force a woman to have sex, but I think that speaks more to their lack of character and will power than the influence of a porno.

I have several gay friends, been to gay bars. Never had the urge to switch sides. Yes that's an individual experience but seems that if people are that easily influenced, there are other issues at hand. I knew what was right and wrong when I was a child. I knew stealing was wrong, drugs were bad, smoking could kill you .. etc. I also knew I like girls. It was not a decision I made, saw a picture of a naked girl and got a stiffy. It was not rocket science. In retro spec I wish I would have been exposed to what else was out there in the world at a younger age. It would have given me the knowledge to not ask or say some really stupid things out of sheer ignorance. Live and learn.

If parents want to preserve the innocence of their kids that is their prerogative. As far as I am aware, no one is preventing them from doing that or am I missing something? If exposure is what creates a pervert, there must be a whole lot in hiding. I saw a show on TV the other night and the porn industry brings in IIRC sever billion dollars a year. I believe they stated the porn industry makes more than regular Hollywood. From what I recall reading over the past several years, most child molesters are not gay (with the possible exception of catholic priests and Ted Haggard) but hetero. Manson, the BTK killer, Dalmer (sp?) … etc all hetero as I recall.

What makes one kid go bad, and not others is still a big mystery. I seriously doubt exposure to the world is the cause. I would guess that family life and short circuit upstairs are more the culprit. Look at those two blond girls signing nazi songs. They seem as girl next door as anyone till they open their mouth. Then they change into the poster children for abortion. Same with the mom and dad, they look very nice, then they blow the illusion by speaking. I don’t think anyone really knows what creats monsters like that.

You are funny... :wacko:
Come to the San Francisco Freak Show called the 'gay pride' parade. Oh, and bring your little ones and a camera so they never forget it...... :stupid:

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Trump has his own show which has been on for 3 or 4 seasons. Someone is watching him. According to this link, on this night over 18 million people watched him.

Yea the same ones glued to keith olbermann. :lol:

Not sure how exposing a child to a Gay Pride parade will corrupt them.

Really? your an expert on child rearing even though you've already admitted to never having children?

I have several gay friends, been to gay bars.

Too much information gar, glad you like to hang out with gays. I don't care if they choose that lifestyle, but my heterosexual tendencies tend to turn me off from watching two men bump and grind.

Never had the urge to switch sides.

Righhhhhht! :rolleyes:

I knew what was right and wrong when I was a child. I knew stealing was wrong, drugs were bad, smoking could kill you .. etc.

So your saying you were born with this moral standard?...careful gar (trick question)

In retro spec I wish I would have been exposed to what else was out there in the world at a younger age. It would have given me the knowledge to not ask or say some really stupid things out of sheer ignorance. Live and learn.

ever consider the fact your upbringing may have saved you from yourself?

If parents want to preserve the innocence of their kids that is their prerogative.

I think i'll take the above statement back, seems your folks failed BIG time. So you think if parents choose to introduce their little ones to sex, drugs, etc... thats their prerogative?... :lol: :lol: thank GOD you chose not to pro-create.

I believe they stated the porn industry makes more than regular Hollywood. From what I recall reading over the past several years, most child molesters are not gay (with the possible exception of catholic priests and Ted Haggard) but hetero. Manson, the BTK killer, Dalmer (sp?) … etc all hetero as I recall.

Yea do your research and you will find that a vast majority of those who molest were themselves molested at a young age. be they porn stars, priest, gays, etc...

What makes one kid go bad, and not others is still a big mystery. I seriously doubt exposure to the world is the cause. I would guess that family life and short circuit upstairs are more the culprit.

Yes and two of those go hand in hand, and no doubt cause the third.

I don’t think anyone really knows what creats monsters like that.

The apple does'nt fall far from the tree. ;)
Yea the same ones glued to keith olbermann. :lol:
Really? your an expert on child rearing even though you've already admitted to never having children?

hence the 'not sure' part

Too much information gar, glad you like to hang out with gays. I don't care if they choose that lifestyle, but my heterosexual tendencies tend to turn me off from watching two men bump and grind.

never saw any more bumping and grinding than in a hetero- bar.

Righhhhhht! :rolleyes:

Ah yes, personal insults. What ever.

So your saying you were born with this moral standard?...careful gar (trick question)

Not a moral standard as far as I am concerned. Morality is fluid and taught. From what I have read, it is genetics. If sexual attraction were taught, animal reproduction would be hit or miss.

ever consider the fact your upbringing may have saved you from yourself?

Considered but not decided.

I think i'll take the above statement back, seems your folks failed BIG time. So you think if parents choose to introduce their little ones to sex, drugs, etc... thats their prerogative?... :lol: :lol: thank GOD you chose not to pro-create.

I think there is a difference in the level of exposure but if you wish to take your example to the extreem, go for it.

Yea do your research and you will find that a vast majority of those who molest were themselves molested at a young age. be they porn stars, priest, gays, etc...
Yes and two of those go hand in hand, and no doubt cause the third.

You seem to have done some research, care to share your sources?

The apple does'nt fall far from the tree. ;)

And more insults. What ever.
Morality is a personal judgement. There are things that most people would agree on such as premeditated murder for monetary gain (hit man) or rape. If the world consisted of 10 people they could decide that doing X is moral. As long as lets say 50%+1 decided it is moral then that is what their morality is. Since this is in the gay pride thread I’ll go with this as an example. Some people here believe that being gay or sodomy or other aspects of homosexuality are "immoral". It is my belief that these beliefs are based on religious beliefs. Since there are different religious beliefs as well as people such as my self who do not subscribe to any religious beliefs it stands to reason that there could be different opinions as the "morality" of various actions. I neither agree or disagree with their actions. If being gay is what they want, more power to them. Their actions have no effect on my life so I fail to see why I should be concerned or that they should be labeled as ‘immoral’. I am reluctant to even use the words right/wrong or moral/immoral. What some one else does is entirely up to them as long as it does not affect someone else with out their consent. For example someone lights up and I inhale their passive smoke…. Verses lets say banning all drinking because some dumb ass get in a car drunk and kills someone. If someone wants to smoke in their home fine, but not near me. I find it "morally repugnant" for parents to smoke around their kids. It jeopardizes their health and that of their children but there is nothing I can do about so I move on. I think it’s wrong, someone else (the smoking parent) may see no problem with it. Who is to say. What makes my value judgement better or worse than yours?

These example may not be the best but I think you get the point I am trying to make. Our ‘morals’ are based on how we were raised, religion, environment ... etc. While there may be basics that most of ‘civilized’ society can agree on, there are definite areas where people can disagree. Drug use, euthanasia, drinking, smoking just to mention a few.

I wrote this quite quickly so I am sure there are things that I may have missed or things that got a bit mixed up in the translation from brain to paper so feel free to poke away and I’ll see if I can close some of the holes or maybe I can be convinced other wise.
Something else I thought of in terms of "fluid morality" that may or may not be relevant. What makes a nude painting done in the 17th century not lewd but a nude photo in 2007 is? Why is the statue of David not lewd? Why was burning a witch at the stake in the 18th century morally ok but today it’s not? Why was owning slaved morally ok back in the 1600-1700 but today it is not? If morality is a constant then what happened? I guess one could argue that those in the past were misguided and not ‘really’ moral. That we, in the 21st century have found the truth so we now know what is really moral. Who is to say that 200 or 300 years from now we will not be looked at with the critical eye and deemed that since we were so primitive, we did not know better?

As I stated above, there are certain things that most people would agree on as being ‘immoral". How ever, there is a huge gray area where intelligent people can disagree.
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Garfield1966 Today, 01:29 PM Post #20

Yea do your research and you will find that a vast majority of those who molest were themselves molested at a young age. be they porn stars, priest, gays, etc...
Yes and two of those go hand in hand, and no doubt cause the third.

You seem to have done some research, care to share your sources?

Glad you asked Gar, the studies that have been done fill volumes but since the topic was about "school kids march in gay parade" we'll stick with the Homosexual aspect of it for now. If you really cared to research and discover the facts you would seek out the truth for yourself, but being a self admitted lib as you are that would go against the grain.


The steadfast denial of the disturbing ties with pedophilia within the homosexual movement is no purely academic matter. Perhaps the most tragic aspect of the homosexual-pedophile connection is the fact that men who sexually molest boys all too often lead their victims into homosexuality and pedophilia. The evidence indicates that a high percentage of homosexuals and pedophiles were themselves sexually abused as children:

· The Archives of Sexual Behavior reports: "One of the most salient findings of this study is that 46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender."[70]

· A study of 279 homosexual/bisexual men with AIDS and control patients discussed in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported: "More than half of both case and control patients reported a sexual act with a male by age 16 years, approximately 20 percent by age 10 years."[71]

· Noted child sex abuse expert David Finkelhor found that "boys victimized by older men were over four times more likely to be currently engaged in homosexual activity than were non-victims. The finding applied to nearly half the boys who had had such an experience. . . . Further, the adolescents themselves often linked their homosexuality to their sexual victimization experiences."[72]

· A study in the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology found:"In the case of childhood sexual experiences prior to the age of fourteen, 40 percent (of the pedophile sample) reported that they had engaged 'very often' in sexual activity with an adult, with 28 percent stating that this type of activity had occurred 'sometimes'"[73]

· A National Institute of Justice report states that "the odds that a childhood sexual abuse victim will be arrested as an adult for any sex crime is 4.7 times higher than for people . . . who experienced no victimization as children."[74]

· A Child Abuse and Neglect study found that 59 percent of male child sex offenders had been "victim of contact sexual abuse as a child."[75]

· The Journal of Child Psychiatry noted that "there is a tendency among boy victims to recapitulate their own victimization, only this time with themselves in the role of perpetrator and someone else the victim."[76]

The circle of abuse is the tragic legacy of the attempts by homosexuals to legitimize having sex with boys. For too many boys it is already too late to protect them from those who took advantage of their need for love and attention. All too many later perpetrate the abuse by themselves engaging in the sexual abuse of boys. Only by exposing the lies, insincere denials, and deceptions--including those wrapped in scholastic garb--of those who prey sexually on children, can we hope to build a wall of protection around the helpless children among us.
Fine, lets play the link game

# many lock into A CERTAIN AGE RANGE (most prefer them young because this minimizes the chance of pregnancy and vaginal infection) In fact, some pedophile groups have the saying "Eight is too late." They also lock into a certain gender. A pedophile who prefers boys will usually not molest girls, and vice versa. There is an 11:1 ratio of heterosexual pedophiles to homosexual ones.

whether sexual VICTIMIZATION as a child leads to becoming an offender as an adult -- While it is true that some sex offenders (estimates range from 12% to 56%) got their "start" or introduction to the world of child molesting by being molested themselves at an early age, there is no scientific "proof" that one is the cause of the other. Many children who were sexually abused grow up to be normal adults, and it is important to note that there is no "determinism" in this regard, since fear of such destiny is frequently a symptom of the abuse. There are indeed long-term symptoms of childhood sexual abuse which "mimic" some of the personality traits found in adult child molesters, but that doesn't mean they turn out to be molesters themselves. Such symptoms include promiscuity, a lack of empathy toward others, trouble recognizing appropriate sexual cues, and difficulty understanding the perspective of others.

"Children who are sexually assaulted will sexually assault others when they grow up."

Most sex offenders were not sexually assaulted as children and most children who are sexually assaulted do not sexually assault others.

Early childhood sexual victimization does not automatically lead to sexually aggressive behavior. While sex offenders have higher rates of sexual abuse in their histories than expected in the general population, the majority were not abused. Among adult sex offenders, approximately 30% have been sexually abused. Some types of offenders, such as those who sexually offend against young boys, have still higher rates of child sexual abuse in their histories (Becker and Murphy, 1998).

While past sexual victimization can increase the likelihood of sexually aggressive behavior, most children who were sexually victimized never perpetrate against others.

So for I have not found any credible site that links homosexuality with pedophilia. It seems to make sense especially from your argument. If you are going to argue that most pedophiles were abused at a younger age and according to one of the links provided, a large portion of the abuse the does occur comes from with in a family then you would be arguing that most of the pedophiles are coming from homosexual families (since most pedophilia is commented my homosexuals according you) and given the number of pedophiles verses homosexual families that just not seem to add up. But hey, don’t let logic and facts get in the way of a good argument.

Just a little info I found about FRC and Tony Perkins. This is a Conservative Christian group. They have come out in support of ID. And here are their core princibles

• God exists and is sovereign over all creation. He created human beings in His image. Human life is, therefore, sacred and the right to life is the most fundamental of political rights.
• Life and love are inextricably linked and find their natural expression in the institutions of marriage and the family.
• Government has a duty to promote and protect marriage and family in law and public policy.
• The American system of law and justice was founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic.
• American democracy depends upon a vibrant civil society composed of families, churches, schools, and voluntary associations.

Nah, they don’t have an agenda. Come on, Local, if you are going to start posting links, at least pretend to try and find a source that is a little impartial. Puting FRC crap up here in support of homosexual pedophiles is like using the KKK as a source on interracial relations.

Here is some info on James Dobbson who is a founder of FRC. This guy is so detached from modern society it scary.

And some info on FRC. Makes for entertaining reading.
A gay parade is in fact a flaunting against moral values.

And yes,I feel it is immoral behavior and I do not have problems with my own sexuality... :mf_boff:

Wouldn't children exposed to sexually explicit representations constitute some violation of civil law?

Is little Sally allowed to have a dildo?
Or does one have to be 21 to posess or attempt to purchase such items?

So let me get this straight. Should I protect my 7 year old from seeing 10-18 year old girls wearing pants cutting up their crotches and letting their asses hang out when we go to six flags great adventure in the summer? You can't go anywhere these days without seeing teen age girls half dressed and their parents allow it. But somehow that is different than gay people marching in a parade? Someone please explain the rationale. The reality is, it is no different, we just happen to be dealing with a group of people that some of us can't identify with. That creates fear, and the type of responses seen here on this thread. What happened to live and let live. Worry about yourself and not everyone else.
So let me get this straight. Should I protect my 7 year old from seeing 10-18 year old girls wearing pants cutting up their crotches and letting their asses hang out when we go to six flags great adventure in the summer? You can't go anywhere these days without seeing teen age girls half dressed and their parents allow it. But somehow that is different than gay people marching in a parade? Someone please explain the rationale. The reality is, it is no different, we just happen to be dealing with a group of people that some of us can't identify with. That creates fear, and the type of responses seen here on this thread. What happened to live and let live. Worry about yourself and not everyone else.

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. You shall not have sexual relations with any animal and defile yourself with it, nor shall any woman give herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it: it is perversion.

You be comfortable with whom you wish and i'll do the same...Remember,thou art judged by the company you keep :lol:
I think that is the point. Let people do as they choose with out having people like Local and 700 condem them for their actions. The world will not come to a screeching halt if gays are allowed to have the same rights as maried folks .. etc.
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I think that is the point. Let people do as they choose with out having people like Local and 700 condem them for their actions. The world will not come to a screeching halt if gays are allowed to have the same rights as maried folks .. etc.

I never said Gays or any one for that matter should be denied their choice of destructive lifestyle, Geeeez.... I personally think it will benefit mankind if they 'thin out the herd' by their wreckless abandon.

my biggest contention is the perversion of our youth which you seem to be OK with since you seem to have no ball in the game, typical liberal 'if it feels good do it'. What happened? the little lady makes you take the cods off when you come thru the front door and hand them to her? or perhaps you can't hit the target? :shock:

BTW Gar you sound like someone who struggles with their sexual idenity, hanging out in gay bars and such. :mf_boff:
I never said Gays or any one for that matter should be denied their choice of destructive lifestyle, Geeeez.... I personally think it will benefit mankind if they 'thin out the herd' by their wreckless abandon.

my biggest contention is the perversion of our youth which you seem to be OK with since you seem to have no ball in the game, typical liberal 'if it feels good do it'. What happened? the little lady makes you take the cods off when you come thru the front door and hand them to her? or perhaps you can't hit the target? :shock:

BTW Gar you sound like someone who struggles with their sexual idenity, hanging out in gay bars and such. :mf_boff:

And here I was hoping for intelligent discourse. Since you obviously have nothing to argue, you hurl feeble indults at me in a vain attempt to assault my man hood? Let me know how that works for you.

As for not having children, we made a conscious choice before we got married that we would not have children.

As for going to a gay bar, I am quite confident that going to a gay bar would not affect my sexual preference. Went with several of my friends both gay and straight, male and female. We had a good time. Just because you are scared of something does not mean it’s a bad thing.

I guess if the liberal motto in your eyes is ‘if it feels good then do itâ€￾ which I have no problem with I guess your christian motto must be that if it is against my moral compass, I will condemn you and hope you burn in hell. I’ll stick with mind thank you very much.

I believe it is called tolerance and freedom. Fortunately not all our right have been curtailed or taken away. As history has shown, the people’s fear of allowing women to become full and (nearly) equal members of society has been over come. The fear of allowing blacks to become a full and (nearly) equal member of society has/is being over come. We no longer burn ‘witches’ at the stake we now know that the earth revolves around the sun and that our solar system is only one small speck in a huge galaxy and only one galaxy of many. Society, despite the efforts of people such as your self manages to move forward. If you will notice, it was the christians who burned witches at the stake for being heretics, christians who condemned Galileo for implying that the earth was not the center of the universe, christians who said that blacks were not a full and equal member of society, christians who felt that women were not equal to men. Just as our nation has over come those biases, the bias against gays will be over come as well. They are already making progress. Canada has allowed them to marry. Twenty years ago, they did not have access to joint medical care and now many companies (including American) allow it.

At some point, perhaps in my life time people will be allowed to live their life as they see fit with out the likes of you trying to prevent them from getting married and participating in life just as all humans are entitled to do.

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