Starving Artists

Jan 9, 2004
Pittsburgh PA
I think most Express ramp agents will understand what this is all about.

If you are working on the ramp at your station, take a minute to climb into the back of any Transstates RJ and enjoy the view. You can learn a great deal about what goes on at other stations by reading the graffiti and cartoons available in these Libararies of the Sky.

I am especially entertained by the exploits of Ali bin Haseem and his endless litany of rules and musings of life working for US. ConeMan, Prissy Sunflower and POLO are also big fan favorites.

If US was really smart, we would give employees and passengers alike Sharpies when they board the aircraft and let them loose on the cabin walls. It's a great way to pass time on really long flights, and it probably makes a great stress reliever, too.

So, next time you're at work, take a minute to crawl up that belt loader and have a seat in the Planetarium of the Mind that is the Transstates cargo bin. Who knows what mind-expanding knowledge you may come across during your journey.

dont forget to check some Mesa flights as well and may be PSA flts. I remember reading some of the graffitti on their cargo bin walls!
Have you seen the PHL F crew room? Covered in graffiti so childish a teenager wouldn't own up to it. And these people are operating airplanes?
You forgot Ramp Ratz, he and Ali Bin are my favorites. I actually saw the Rat in the back bin of a 737, lol. So he is really getting around. We work mostly Mesa flights and I know all but POLO, what is that?

Did you see the memo about the grafitti being a safety hazard? I laughed when I read it. I can understand the danger of the bag tags being placed where they shouldn't, but the Coneman?

I do feel bad for the folks that have to whitewash those bin walls. They aredoing all that work to just create fresh canvas for our "artists."
Grow up and shut up. OK Coach.

And how much damage has been done. Remember Big Daddy Stokes, Vic Chen and that guy in LGA whose mom swam out to meet troop ships.

How long you gonna be "coach"
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Hehe! Yeah, I saw the memo. Interesting how quickly it came out after my post here. Just goes to show how much time CCY spends reading forum posts instead of running the airline.

Yes, Ramp Ratz may be the most popular character in the bins as of late. I am impressed by how much time is taken to draw such a detailed character.

I think we should all take a moment to remember our recently laid-off brother Sticky. His love of smoking a certain green product and his ability to share it with us will be missed.

And for those of you who would rather view the grafitti as vandalism as opposed to art, I respect your view. I neither condone nor condemn the creativity inside the bins. I do however suggest lightening up, because this form of expression has been around since long before you were born, let alone when you started working for ANY airline. If you don't participate (as I choose not to), then feel good about yourself. Take the original post as it was meant to be an observation.
Light Years said:
No, it's not rampers, it's Express pilots in the crew room.

I suppose all those mainline pilots and FAs hanging around these days in the crew room are good little children and would never behave like those lazy, immature express pilots. :rolleyes:

skeezer said:
I suppose all those mainline pilots and FAs hanging around these days in the crew room are good little children and would never behave like those lazy, immature express pilots. :rolleyes:


No graffiti on the walls in the mainline crewroom. And the stuff in F is pretty airline specific.
I have seen the graffiti inside many PSA jets and I really don't like it. Most of the things written are not even in correct grammar or proper spelling "PHL is Handicaped" and beside it someone wrote 'see, they can't even spell'..

I always thought Coneman was Bruce Lakefield...

I just feel that if these rampers have THAT much time on their hands, they aren't doing their jobs vandalzing USAirways property, funny or not. I don't think you'd like it if we wrote profanities about you all over your closet walls in your house...