Supreme Court.......STRIKES DOWN...Defence of Marriage Act !

Ms Tree said:
These are probably the same people who had they been around would have voted against suffrage.  The same people who would have been against the civil rights act.  Would have been against interracial marriage.  I have no problem with negative votes from the likes of them.  
They were not able to present a legal argument then and the same people who have given negative votes here have yet to present a legal argument against marriage equality.  I have posed the question to East, South, E, or anyone else who feels like they have a reason but all they post is are fears of bestiality, and lowering the age of consent.  None of which have any legal basis.  
So what do you have aside from a negative vote and "I don't like it"?  Anything?
Because you are a bigoted and confused individual.
Unteachable and unreasonable self indulgent individual.

You don't know if your a cat/tree/Ms or mister.

You epitomize what is wrong with this country.
xUT said:
Because you are a bigoted and confused individual.
Unteachable and unreasonable self indulgent individual.

You don't know if your a cat/tree/Ms or mister.

You epitomize what is wrong with this country.
Add one more to the list who has no legal basis for their bias.
xUT said:
Add one more to the list who has no legal basis for their bias.
An Error Occured

You have reached your quota of negative votes for the day

And more of nothing. Not a single legal argument against marriage equality.
Ms Tree said:
And more of nothing. Not a single legal argument against marriage equality.
We have been through your straw dog arguments 1000 time before.
I am not going to repeat, just look it up!

If you are really an lbgtxyz supporter, dress up like a man tomorrow for work, I am sure that would scare some straight.
We have been throught it numerous times and you nor anyone else has provided any legal argument to support your bias. That is why the cases keep failing before the courts. Insults and such do not pass legal muster. Over 25% of the states allow same sex marriage. More will follow.
Ms Tree said:
We have been throught it numerous times and you nor anyone else has provided any legal argument to support your bias. That is why the cases keep failing before the courts. Insults and such do not pass legal muster. Over 25% of the states allow same sex marriage. More will follow.