The 2011 Depression

Great advice from someone who never even ran a business.

Obama Wants Business To Start Pulling Its Weight

President Obama called on U.S. businesses to do more to help grow the economy, saying that while the unemployment rate is getting better and jobs are being added, the U.S. needs “to get there faster.”

“Businesses have a responsibility, too,” said Obama in his weekly address on Saturday. “If we make America the best place to do business, businesses should make their mark in America. They should set up shop here, and hire our workers, and pay decent wages, and invest in the future of this nation. That’s their obligation.”....

Unemployment is down, corporate and consumer spending is up.

Where is the depression?

The ignored one is still being the American Taliban without a purpose. Who knows, or cares, why?

An authentic nut.
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  • #142
Hmmm........a little quick on the trigger if you ask me.

The 2009-2010 rally that ended in April, of course, may actually be the start of a great new bull market, one that will shake off the current "correction" and roar back to the market's old highs. On the other hand, it may yet also be another version of what happened in 1930--the start of another bear market that will take the market down for years (or even, gulp, to a new low).

Importantly, we won't know for sure what today's market is until we look at it with the genius of 20/20 hindsight. As Peter Schiff pointed out yesterday, even as late as 1931, they didn't know they were in a "Great Depression" yet. On the contrary, the promise from the White House was that "prosperity is just around the corner."

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"The experts… are saying what's going on in Tunisia and Egypt, this is going on in Arab nations. Nah, this is the beginning of something much greater. Figure it out. Civil wars to regional wars to world wars. The Crash of '29 equals the Panic of '08. The Great Depression equals the Great Recession. World War Two equals the First Great War Of The Twenty-First Century."

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JEREMY GRANTHAM: Stocks Will Go Up Until October -- And Then They'll Crash

But this is "Year 3 of the Presidential Cycle," Jeremy says. And, historically, "Year 3" has been good to stocks because the government does everything it can to help get itself re-elected, including flooding the economy with cheap money.

And interest rates are still fixed at near-zero, Jeremy notes. And, usually, emerging bubbles don't burst until rates are rising.

So enjoy the ride until October, says Jeremy. Then sell everything and head for the bomb shelter.

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Two years ago, Barack Obama was inaugurated as president of the United States .
Are you better off today than you were two years ago? Numbers don’t lie, and here are the data on the impact he has had on the lives of Americans:

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  • #145
Unemployment is down, corporate and consumer spending is up.

Where is the depression?

The ignored one is still being the American Taliban without a purpose. Who knows, or cares, why?

An authentic nut. make some valid claims......can you back it up with some long term other than beyond your nose vision?

Today our debt is equal to our GDP. You see this as a non issue? Dyno Mutt?

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  • #148
Why do you want long-term? According you, the depression is already here.

You realize shortly we won't be able to cover the interest on our debt?

Forget the principle.

They don't call it that anymore.........not good for sitting Presidents.