the Christmas Rush + Insanity has begun, for the Day that Never Was !

Aug 20, 2002
Believe it or not, even my old heart finds the Joy, Anticipation and Wonderment that beams from the eyes of that 7 year old child, who can be seen virtually anywhere this time of year, to be heartfelt.
But what saddens me DEEPLY, is to realize..HOW many Billions of people around the world have been Bamboozled (with a Capital  " B " ), or better still ....... WANT to be Bambozzled !
Dec. 25th, sworn to be the Birthday of a human being named Jesus, when Nothing Else could be Further from the Truth !
I had an Interesting conversation with a  member of Amtrak HR services, who's father was a looong time minister in Philadelphia. I asked her what her dad told parishioners when they questioned the pastor about the authenticity of Dec, 25th. 
That man of the cloth would truthfully respond the 'No one of any historic significance' was born on 12/25. (the pastor woulf never initiate the conversation, ...But....would answer thruthfully !
THAT my friends was the FIRST time in 69 years that I've EVER heard of a religious person answer a difficult question truthfully  !
WHY, (I'd like to know)..W H Y..the continuing 'Jonestownesqe ' Bull Shiit about the supposed Xmas day ?
Why is it so hard for Christian scholars to say,....." Look, we conveniently ATTATCHED Jesus's birthday to the well-known pagan celebration of Saturnalia, because that was as good a day as any !
As I continue to "Dig",......I'm discovering that there was a type of a 'Quid - pro- Quo' going on with the early christian leaders and obliging roman pagans of some 'stature', back in the day.
ABSOLUTELY friggin' Amazing  !!!!!!!!!!
Its a day chosen for a celebration of a religious symbol.  Does it really matter why it was chosen?  If you believe in the faith in question it all makes sense.   If you do not believe in it it is nonsense.  Whats the point in asking why if you are not a believer?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Dec. 25th, sworn to be the Birthday of a human being named Jesus, when Nothing Else could be Further from the Truth !
I had an Interesting conversation with a  member of Amtrak HR services, who's father was a looong time minister in Philadelphia. I asked her what her dad told parishioners when they questioned the pastor about the authenticity of Dec, 25th. 
That man of the cloth would truthfully respond the 'No one of any historic significance' was born on 12/25. (the pastor woulf never initiate the conversation, ...But....would answer thruthfully !
Nobody knows the exact birth day of Christ, or even necessarily the year for that matter.  His birth is merely celebrated on 12/25, and I've never - even as when a churchgoer - heard any clerical source claim or insist that he was actually born on that day.  You seem to be the one laboring under a misapprehension.
I knew there would be a post like this on these boards, either from some snotty little toad saying Christmas is a sham or some snotty little toad saying we can't enjoy Christmas unless we make it about what their religion says it has to be.  Looks like you beat everyone to it.  Anyone who can't resist taking a such a holiday and using it to make a cheap political point or taunt the beliefs of others should really just piss off.  If goodwill and universal brotherhood are something you can't stomach or comprehend then don't celebrate the holiday. Just try not to spoil it for others either.
You have to admit though that at least here in the US, it would seem the holidays seem to have become much more about commercialism and stuff than 'goodwill an brotherhood'.  
Christ was actually born around April, but that is neither here nor there. Lets discuss this Christmas holiday that is associated with Christianity.


Christ was the Messiah and his birth was for the Jews. Christians would be better off celebrating Easter because that is where Christianity establishes its roots. But I'm preaching to the quire!

This Santa Claus give gifts crap is a corporate America scheme to increase profits. We confuse the word GIVE as meaning 'material goods' when it means more of giving of yourselves. But gifts are a lot easier and not as personal.

So while we're at it...

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!
signals said:
This Santa Claus give gifts crap is a corporate America scheme to increase profits. 
Santa Clause was modeled after Saint Nicholas and I assure you, he was quite real.
signals said:
We confuse the word GIVE as meaning 'material goods' when it means more of giving of yourselves. But gifts are a lot easier and not as personal.
You are probably right.
When I accept a gift I keep in the back of my mind that the gift represents a portion of time the person sacrificed to earn the money to buy it and the care the person took to present it. Think of it this way, if you receive a $20 dollar gift from someone that makes 10 dollars an hour what they are really giving you is the fruit of what they earned for over 2 hours of their life (taxes). 
It reminds me of a short story I read in high school. It was something along the lines of a pupil journeying 100's of miles to bring back some beach sand for his teacher.  The teacher thanked the student and said "I appreciate the gift but the journey was so long" to which the student replied "The journey was part of the gift".
Just something to thing about.
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La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Santa Clause was modeled after Saint Nicholas and I assure you, he was quite real.
You are probably right.
When I accept a gift I keep in the back of my mind that the gift represents a portion of time the person sacrificed to earn the money to buy it and the care the person took to present it. Think of it this way, if you receive a $20 dollar gift from someone that makes 10 dollars an hour what they are really giving you is the fruit of what they earned for over 2 hours of their life (taxes). 
It reminds me of a short story I read in high school. It was something along the lines of a pupil journeying 100's of miles to bring back some beach sand for his teacher.  The teacher thanked the student and said "I appreciate the gift but the journey was so long" to which the student replied "The journey was part of the gift".
Just something to thing about.
Great Story...." La - Lo ", and further, I AGREE with you on the Giving part.  (Something the 'FIRST AMERICANS " knew so darn well)  !
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delldude said:
Look forward to the day He returns.
dell,....I luv ya 'bro, know that !!
But to your point,.....................It's very dam hard to RETURN from somewhere,....When you NEVER went anywhere to begin with!
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ChockJockey said:
Nobody knows the exact birth day of Christ, or even necessarily the year for that matter.  His birth is merely celebrated on 12/25, and I've never - even as when a churchgoer - heard any clerical source claim or insist that he was actually born on that day.  You seem to be the one laboring under a misapprehension.
I knew there would be a post like this on these boards, either from some snotty little toad saying Christmas is a sham or some snotty little toad saying we can't enjoy Christmas unless we make it about what their religion says it has to be.  Looks like you beat everyone to it.  Anyone who can't resist taking a such a holiday and using it to make a cheap political point or taunt the beliefs of others should really just piss off.  If goodwill and universal brotherhood are something you can't stomach or comprehend then don't celebrate the holiday. Just try not to spoil it for others either.
I started out SAYING that it was a magical time, especially for the kids.
' La - Lo ' mentioned gift giving. I'm on-board with that, because it WAS done during the pagan holiday of Saturnalia(that christianity 'Bummed a ride" on)
Decorated trees (perhaps evergreen) ?  YUP, that was factual as well !
YULE Logs ?   YUP, they ignited them too !
My point is ...jesus ain't got shiit to do with any of that   !!!!!!!!!!!!
I was born and baptised a christian, and lived the LIE for 57 years, until I smartened up  !!!!!!
Immaculate Conception ?   WHOA, science shot THAT in the ASSSS a looooong time ago !
The 'Heebs' have been around for give or take 6000 years, and they NEVER bought into the JC.....BS  !!
Sorry Bro', it IS....what it IS  !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
dell,....I luv ya 'bro, know that !!
But to your point,.....................It's very dam hard to RETURN from somewhere,....When you NEVER went anywhere to begin with!
Your Indian lore supports an entity who came and taught and left vowing
to return and kick your asss.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Sorry Bro', it IS....what it IS  !
What's so hard about letting people celebrate a holiday for the reasons most meaningful to them?
With your tone and intolerance you sound just about as nasty and incoherent as any Bible-thumper I've ever heard.