The FBI lying leaker McCabe is fired

Interesting, no doubt.

Hillary and the DNC's bought and paid for Steele Dossier (proven) which started the FISA warrant process which McCabe, Strzox and Lisa Page were all conspiring to smear Trump during the 2016 primary for 'collusion' with russia (for which no statute exists in US law) has now been claimed to be an unproven fairytale by no less than the original author, Christopher Steele. Steele made the claim in his soon to be released book.

Looks like Hillary and the DNC expected a golden shower but got hosed instead.

Christopher Steele is not convinced that the most salacious claim in his infamous dossier is accurate.

Steele’s business partner at their private intelligence firm is even less certain, and the founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the dossier, also has his doubts.
Pocan is awesome. I hope his plan works!

Why should the acting head of the FBI, who misled his own FBI on several accounts still be eligible for his pension?

Why is it a director of the FBI, who misled and lied be able to collect a pension?

Any examples?

Oh....****...I didn't realize he's a progressive and the law doesn't hold him to account.
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Any comments about McCabes pension status when the IG report comes out with recommendations he be prosecuted?

Implications already of FBI agents under Comey, Rosenstein and McCabe obstructing justice and interfering in a US election......without Putin

Grave implications of Hillarys russian collusion in a election.(proven).

Remember, it was Hillary who took over the DNC while a primary candidate and tried to rig the election against Sanders (proven).

FBI rumors the Hillary secrets will be reopened soon.
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Why should the acting head of the FBI, who misled his own FBI on several accounts still be eligible for his pension?

Why is it a director of the FBI, who misled and lied be able to collect a pension?

Any examples?

Oh....****...I didn't realize he's a progressive and the law doesn't hold him to account.

I think he’s is being used as a larger plan to discredit the FBI.

I also think Sessions is a bag of hot garbage . YMMV.

Either way, maybe it’s the former grievance committee chair on me coming out, but I think waiting until just a few short days before retirement is telling, and I have to question the motives behind it.

And yeah, there should be no doubt that Pocan is about as blue as it gets. He’s certainly a reflection of his home District!
I think he’s is being used as a larger plan to discredit the FBI.

I also think Sessions is a bag of hot garbage . YMMV.

Either way, maybe it’s the former grievance committee chair on me coming out, but I think waiting until just a few short days before retirement is telling, and I have to question the motives behind it.

And yeah, there should be no doubt that Pocan is about as blue as it gets. He’s certainly a reflection of his home District!

I think when the IG report comes out, it's going to show the upper echelon of FBI are the ones who discredited there own department.

Already there have been several reports of lower level agents claiming there was a clique and anything said about the group resulted in career issues.

I also read of this IG investigation goes back to 2014 which would take the Trump did it mantra away.

Here's a link about a reporter for Fox who claims to have inside sources.....He posted many tweets on the firing. I know it's Fox, but hold your nose and see what he says.....He also makes mention of how both sides of the aisle are spinning this story and says it isn't about what either side are spinning. Food for thought......

I hope people will check out what he said.

7:23 p.m. PDT: “McCabe blaming Nunes and the dossier is beyond incorrect. The internal investigation took all that into consideration and much more. Ask the agents in the bureau, not the politicians and media outside of it. That’s what I did. They had a ton of stuff on him…a ton.”

7:32 p.m. PDT: “Again…this isn’t about politics..this was an internal thing that became political. It started before Trump. Both sides are tho going to make this political. I mean…that’s what they do.”
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I think he’s is being used as a larger plan to discredit the FBI.

I also think Sessions is a bag of hot garbage . YMMV.

Either way, maybe it’s the former grievance committee chair on me coming out, but I think waiting until just a few short days before retirement is telling, and I have to question the motives behind it.

And yeah, there should be no doubt that Pocan is about as blue as it gets. He’s certainly a reflection of his home District!
Come on Kevy, discredit the FBI? Try another talking point. I think the 7th Floor FBI has done a good job of that without Sessions help, they are now being held accountable, and they don't like it so much. Obammy and his friends turned the FBI into a biased weapon. Now that Hildabeast didn't win, it's all coming out soon.

Pocan isn't nothing but a criminal supporter if he is offering the Lying Leaker McCabe a job, and he isn't a reflection of his home district, because they don't support criminal liars. I'm from that area.

McCabe is probably going to jail, and he won't be working for a while, except maybe in the prison library.

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