To All The Fools Who Thought Obamacare Was A Good Idea

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  • #16
I think racism is very rampant in California. You have a bunch of limousine liberals pushing propaganda that minorities are "victims" of institutionalized racism then in the same breath ask them to trust the government to fix all their problems.

I mean you have to laugh at the absurdity of it.

They don't give a damn about minorities, they just exploit them to push their socialist agendas.
Yeah, I would not want to acknowledge that either if I were you.
Seems to me David Duke just goes wherever the wind blows him.

Political partyAmerican Nazi (before 1975)[1]
Democratic (1975–1988)
Populist (1988–1989)
Republican (1989–1999; 2016–present)[2]
Reform (1999–2001)

Your error lies in the fact that you refuse to acknowledge that the Democratic Party has fundamentally changed since the days of JFK.

Again we went from this

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”

to this

"I want free healthcare"
. "I want free college", and "I want universal basic income".

I want..... I want.....I want.....I want.....I want.....I want.....I want.....I want.....I want..... the new Mantra of the Democratic Party.

In fact the only thing they don't want is to pay for their own s**t.

Well thank you for clarifying the David Duke issue. Now can you tell me what happened to all the blue racists in the south after the civil rights act? Did they see the error of their ways? Did they move? Why did the south turn red?
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  • #19
Well thank you for clarifying the David Duke issue. Now can you tell me what happened to all the blue racists in the south after the civil rights act? Did they see the error of their ways? Did they move? Why did the south turn red?
I already answered that KCFlyer.

Here I will draw you a map since your reading comprehension is in obvious need of improvement.

That's when the south was blue. But the south is now a deep red....

That's because people wised up to the fact that the Democrats had been infiltrated by a bunch of communist. We are a hell of a long way from “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” Now it's all "I want free healthcare" and "I want free college".
I honestly don't know how I could have made that any clearer.

Now are you going to ask me the same question again or are we done with this nonsense?
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  • #20
Frankly I think sometimes you ask me asinine questions or repeat yourself over and over just to waste my time.

Is that what you are doing, trying to waste my time, or are you just that dense?

I mean it has to be something because you already addressed that specifically and I even quoted you and provided you a specific answer (see post #12) only to have you ask me a question requesting the same information.

This is not the first time you have done that. Honestly I am getting pretty fed up with it and I am about ready to put you on ignore. You will be the 2nd of only 2 people I have ever added to ignore in 10 years (the other is Dog Wonder) as I believe in keeping open lines of communication but I refuse to have my time wasted with foolishness and repetitive questions.
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Ah go easy on KC, it's the TDS. He can't help himself.
This is not the first time you have done that. Honestly I am getting pretty fed up with it and I am about ready to put you on ignore. You will be the 2nd of only 2 people I have ever added to ignore in 10 years (the other is Dog Wonder).

Congratulations KC. You are being considered for a very exclusive club. Keep treating Lala like he would be treated at a real water cooler if he spewed his nonsense there.
You are a lock.
I already answered that KCFlyer.

Here I will draw you a map since your reading comprehension is in obvious need of improvement.

I honestly don't know how I could have made that any clearer.

Now are you going to ask me the same question again or are we done with this nonsense?
OH...gotcha...The racists didn't move, they just started voting republican because they feared socialism more than equal rights for those inferior black people. Because the Democrats changed and wanted to GIVE things to the black people. I guess that doesn't make them racist.
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  • #24
OH...gotcha...The racists didn't move, they just started voting republican because they feared socialism more than equal rights for those inferior black people. Because the Democrats changed and wanted to GIVE things to the black people. I guess that doesn't make them racist.
KCFlyer despite what you think not every single person in the South is a racist hiding in the shadows hatching sinister plots.

Despite what you may think there ARE racist who live in the North.

Join us in reality oh won't you?
KCFlyer despite what you think not every single person in the South is a racist hiding in the shadows hatching sinister plots.

Despite what you may think there ARE racist who live in the North.

Join us in reality oh won't you?
I know. I was born and raised in the south. And I know that there are racists who live in the north. But the south was racist in the 60's and it was blue. The south is just as racist in this century,and they vote red. Just an observation there.
I know. I was born and raised in the south. And I know that there are racists who live in the north. But the south was racist in the 60's and it was blue. The south is just as racist in this century,and they vote red. Just an observation there.

La Li Lu Le Lo.

Well La', I've got to jump-in here after KCF's above post.
First off, the post is dead-on-balls-accurate !

I'd like you to do me a favor La'.
I'd like you to find the arresting mug-shot of one TRAVIS McMichael, From GEORGIA, the dude who 'ended' the jogger Aubrey. I'd like you to reaaaaly concentrate on this retarded-looking M F. Use a magnifying glass if need be, then tell me what your Intelligence sees.
With this photo of a low I Q, Pumpkin headed A hole, with the itty bitty mouth, is only missing just one thing, from the good ol' HANGING days.

A WHITE HOOD, with two Eye Holes, for his itty-bitty EYES !!!!
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  • #28
La Li Lu Le Lo.

Well La', I've got to jump-in here after KCF's above post.
First off, the post is dead-on-balls-accurate !
Actually it really isn't.

I'd like you to do me a favor La'.
I'd like you to find the arresting mug-shot of one TRAVIS McMichael, From GEORGIA, the dude who 'ended' the jogger Aubrey. I'd like you to reaaaaly concentrate on this retarded-looking M F. Use a magnifying glass if need be, then tell me what your Intelligence sees.
With this photo of a low I Q, Pumpkin headed A hole, with the itty bitty mouth, is only missing just one thing, from the good ol' HANGING days.

A WHITE HOOD, with two Eye Holes, for his itty-bitty EYES !!!!
Let me stop you right there.

First off TRAVIS McMichael is not Georgia, he is an individual responsible for his own actions.

Second, I used to live in Georgia and I went to school in a wealthier area of mostly white kids and I hated every one of those MF'ers. Point being I have no love for GA. Probably the only place I hate more than CA.

I literally could not wait to get out of there. The rudest, most abrasive people I have ever met in my life. Leaving GA was one of the happiest days in my life. As far as I am concerned the only good thing that ever came out of GA was Kim Basinger (who is the standard I have compared all women too since..... well forever).

Alabama has a reputation as well but when I lived in Huntsville I did not see rampant racism. Perhaps some of Alabama is like that but it certainly was not that way were I lived. The reason I stated that is to remind you not to blanket a whole region or state based off of individual actions.

As an example, just because you have an area known for gang activity does not mean everyone there is a gang member.
Actually it really isn't.

Let me stop you right there.

First off TRAVIS McMichael is not Georgia, he is an individual responsible for his own actions.

Second, I used to live in Georgia and I went to school in a wealthier area of mostly white kids and I hated every one of those MF'ers. Point being I have no love for GA. Probably the only place I hate more than CA.

I literally could not wait to get out of there. The rudest, most abrasive people I have ever met in my life. Leaving GA was one of the happiest days in my life. As far as I am concerned the only good thing that ever came out of GA was Kim Basinger (who is the standard I have compared all women too since..... well forever).

Alabama has a reputation as well but when I lived in Huntsville I did not see rampant racism. Perhaps some of Alabama is like that but it certainly was not that way were I lived. The reason I stated that is to remind you not to blanket a whole region or state based off of individual actions.

As an example, just because you have an area known for gang activity does not mean everyone there is a gang member.

Fair enough.
Points taken !
Based on?Are you referring to Kansas? That is in the Midwest. Perhaps you need a geography lesson.

Define what you consider the "south"
I'm sorry your parents never left Tulsa. Yep...I live Kansas now. But back in the 1960's I lived in Florida (south). My family roots are from Virginia and North Carolina (both in the south) My dads brother was in Georgia (again the south) and we would visit all those places every year. This was in the 1960's. You know, back when some of the water fountains had the word "colored" over them. Ever see a sign like that, other than in a history book? In the early 70's my dad got transferred to Dallas. That's in the south too. I'll never forget our introduction to Dallas. We were in a cab from the airport to a hotel where we were staying until our furniture arrived. The driver said he was surprised we were able to get a room since there was a convention of the colored elks. His words were "They call them colored elks...I call them ni---rs". I wasn't really into politics so I didn't ask his political affiliation. But it's a red state today. From there I lived in Ohio and Kansas. I know about the south from seeing things like separate water fountains and many parents reactions to "forced busing".

And looking back in my history book, I see that the south was bright blue. Today it is bright red. So I ask you again - what happened to all the racists, and why did they start voting red.