Todays Vote

After the vote is done today (pass or fail) remember before you attack another mechanic for their vote we need everyone (yes and no voters)to oust this poor excuse of representation known as the IAM.
the sorry IAM (I ASK MANAGEMENT) must go, they have done such a great job that we must still be confused, because they never told us why we here in CLT 2nd were confused the first time we voted. The US AIRWAYS management did and they even had one on one meeting with many of us confused mechs.I felt better after my management came and told me why I was confused and also why the pilots are now confused
you miss my point, I have paid union dues for over 13 yrs now my union said I was confused because we voted the T/A down, the company held meetings explaining why we shouldnt, but the union I paid, who said we voted wrong hasnt held any meeting.I voted yes so this time I should change my mined and vote no for it? that is what I take from I Ask Management to be the answer because I was confused.
by: boof1969 (M/Charlotte NC) 09/14/02 07:42 am
Msg: 44254 of 44373

I may be a hypocrite. I am going to have to go down to the union hall and look it up in their online dictionary. I will post the link later. If it means I hype and criticize then it can't be true. I never lie and only have one screen ID. I post only the truths that the union gives me to post. I have emotion and reason. The reason I exist is because of emotion. Bill Clinton is a great man. He has lots of women. I have none. I wish he would share with the little man like me. I get tired of going to online chat rooms and typing with one hand all night. Vote YES so I can be the union coffee girl. I want a cushy union job and SCAMFA won't let me join.
If the company is forced to go to the judge to ask him to throw out the contract I'm sure the judge will look closely at the companys attempt to get a consensual agreement.I believe there were many members who honestly believed the judge had the option of granting them a better deal.We all now know the judge can only let the contract stand as-is or throw it out.

If after the second vote the company finds itself in front of the judge they will argue that they did all they could and certainly the members knew what the consequenses would be.This second vote could make it easier for the judge to throw out the contract.I feel the company needed to tidy up these loose ends and can now feel much more certain of the outcome of a court ordered remedy.
We all are fed up with the IAM and the sham of a job that they did for us in Fleet also, but sad to say it is a no win situation any way that you look at it.I hope in the future (if we have one) that Fleet Service can give them the boot as well. I should have known how little they cared about the employees at US when I looked at their messenger newspaper. They should have just called it the UA messinger since 95% covered them anyway...